Your Boring Job Might Just Be Your First Business

Published: July 22, 2019, midnight

b'In todays podcast episode we respond to an email we recieved from Australia from a listener of the show who is depressed with the life she is leading. Its not the life that she is leading either, but more where she is heading. She is 23 years old, and needs a bit of support....which is where we come in. "I\\u2019ve been listening to your podcast for a few months now and I can\\u2019t tell you how much I enjoy it. My name is Derek, and I\\u2019m 23 years old currently living in Sydney Australia and work at one of the big 4 accounting firms in financial advisory a.k.a the biggest snore of my life. AND for lack of a better description I absolutely hate it. I apologise for the novel of an email you are about to endure but I am hoping that you might get something out of this too. I began working last year in March as a graduate, keen and ready to start my fabulous career of fortune, money, success, rainbows and perfectness. When in actual fact I hadn\\u2019t really given this much thought at all I just went to uni, studied business, was good at finance and trusted my parents that this was the right thing to do. In my first week (3 DAYS WAS ALL IT TOOK) I remember being on the train home almost in tears thinking holy shit I\\u2019ve fucked up. I have gotten my the past 5 years of my life all wrong and I should be doing something more creative, fun and much more me (I am fun and creative and fabulous and all things not boring) what was I thinking? Looking back now, at my life, personality and everything about me I could not have picked a role less suited to me. (I am no snore! I am a fun bag of greatness that does whatever the hell I want!) BLIMEY CHARLIE (said in your silly British accent) what have I done! Anyways, here I am a year later still in the same job for a selection of crappy reasons: 1. I have begun studying my CA which would take me 3 years to complete (I am now half way through and think wow what a waste this would be I should finish what I started) - FYI my job pays for me to do this and you need 3 years of relevant experience to qualify so quitting would mean I can\\u2019t complete this 2. Further from point two everyone (being older people in my life e.g. parents/boyfriends parents) tell me having my CA would be an advantage to my career forever and I never know when it might come in handy 3. I believe that I am learning skills invaluable to me that would help me succeed in any business setting In saying that, I have had a constant battle for the last year that time is ticking away and I\\u2019m only taking steps in the wrong direction, prolonging the inevitable (getting out of here) and making my life more miserable than it needs to be. I don\\u2019t doubt it will be easy for you to see how much I relate to your podcast i.e. how much corporate land sucks. I reckon 80% of the people in my team hate their jobs and are lying to themselves if they said they don\\u2019t. I love the enthusiasm you give me and the confidence to believe I can do my own thing and follow my heart. I refuse to let myself go down the same path I see so many of my colleagues on. I\\u2019m young and I know there is something out there better for me, that I would be passionate about, but I am absolutely struggling to decide what that might be. I have ideas coming out of my asshole in terms of business ideas, concepts, ways for other businesses to improve - you name it I\\u2019m thinking of it everywhere I look. I recently listened to your podcast where you spoke about dropping down to two episodes per week, and while I was listening to it I thought \\u2013 what crap!!! All I could hear was excuses because thinks weren\\u2019t going perfectly for you and you were going on your wonderful trip to New York and it was all too hard and you thought that was an easy way out. It didn\\u2019t sound like the motivational, enthusiastic David I know and love!!!! When I heard that you realised this and you were sticking to three podcasts I thought bloody hell good on you because you just seem to get things right. I always agree with your views on life, on the workforce and the way you think things should be\\u2026 so good for you!!!! I\\u2019m proud that you did the right thing and I\\u2019m glad that you shared that podcast with us despite not deciding to do it. It\\u2019s a great lesson for you but also for all of your listeners and I think a lot of people will appreciate that. I\\u2019ve been meaning to write to you for a while now and listening to that podcast made me do it. You talk a lot about following your heart, starting your own business and quitting the corporate life but I wonder if you realise someone as young as me is listening to you. I have a question for you Mr know it all sexy funny and fabulous David Ralph \\u2013 do you really think it\\u2019s a good idea for me to quit my job and follow my heart? I\\u2019m 23, I have only been in the workforce for a year and a half and lets be real, to a very large extent I don\\u2019t know shit about anything. Who would invest in me, who would trust that I would be able to run my own business and would I even be able to? Do I still have too much to learn? Should I stick out completing my CA and getting some more experience under my belt while I\\u2019m at it? Or should I screw it and go in there tomorrow and kiss my snore of a job goodbye and back myself? I\\u2019m a smart girl and I don\\u2019t doubt I would be able to do anything I put my mind to but wow, I hope you can understand and see that it\\u2019s a little more difficult for someone so young. Or maybe it isn\\u2019t? Do I have more room for failure? I think this would be a great topic for you to discuss and I would love to hear more from young entrepreneurs on join up dots, or even young people that have fucked off something they know isn\\u2019t for them and followed their heart. My family all think I need to stick out my job for three years and I just can\\u2019t help but feel like this is the wrong advice \\u2013 it just doesn\\u2019t sit right with me! These people are old dinosaurs, times have changed and I need to take from life what I want\\u2026.. right? HELP ME MR RALPHIE BECAUSE IM GOING INSANE. Do I need to be more patient? Get some experience? I would be surprised if some of your listeners don\\u2019t feel the same way that I do in one way or another and I don\\u2019t doubt you would be able to spin something mentioned into a topic so I hope this helps you too!! P.S. don\\u2019t mention my name in your podcast please \\uf04a I\\u2019m a scaredy cat. Goodnight and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your motivation and keep at it! All those people that cancelling on you is actually a good thing. They aren\\u2019t the type of people you want on your show anyways right? That\\u2019s not what it\\u2019s all about. So screw them and long live David Ralph and join up dots!!"'