Young Entrepreneurs

Published: Aug. 18, 2017, midnight

b"Young Entrepreneurs is where we focus our attention in todays episode My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is one of the top young entrepreneurs ,battle hardened investor, seasoned trader, advisor to top brands and mentor to world class performers. His mission is to serve one million people, helping them create freedom and abundance by building assets, reclaiming their true resources, and creating a life they love to live. Now i'll be honest that was straight from his website, so how battle hardened is he? How many seasons has his young body gone through to get to this point of success in his life? Well,\\xa0after a childhood filled with scarcity and hardship in many areas, he\\u2019s taken that pain and turned it into a deep desire to help nurture people. He has hustled, connected with the right people, and no doubt been knocked down and got up a few times to break free from that scarcity mindset and walk straight into a life of abundance with what seems a few missteps on the way. Leaving the University of Binghampton with a BA in Biology, he spent the first part of his career as an Emergency Medical Technician before after just one year deciding that a change was needed. He then worked as a Real Estate Agent in New York for another two years, until the entrepreneurial spirit kicked in and he started on the road to where he is today by founding Hartwood Capital. This also only lasted one year and he found himself working once more for someone else as the VP of sales at Open Drives in Santa Monica. And as we see time and time again, these perceived false starts were in fact giving him the skills to really make his mark, and were needed as much as the ongoing success. Now he is 100% self employed and on a mission to change lives across the globe. So with a world of wannabe entrepreneurs fighting through the scarcity mindset, is this the number one challenge that he faces in his business? And what was it, that finally hit home and made him realise what he should be doing in his life? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Brad Hart. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with \\xa0such as: Brad shares a terrible story of how his father suffered a truck accident as a young child and how it changed the direction of his life. But in many ways he wouldn't be where he is today without it. Why it is so important to expand your vision to encompass more people in your life, By doing so you gain more than you could possibly know. Very wise words indeed. How Steve Jobs, Elon Musk created their own reality by creating their own rules. Something we can all do if we are only willing to accept the decisions to create are all in our own hands. and lastly\\u2026. Why the world needs to realise that there are so many opportunities around us, that we dont need to worry about competing with others. Do you think. Do it well. A provide the greatets value you can to your customers."