You Make Me Want To Vomit, Ralph

Published: Nov. 9, 2018, midnight

b'It\'s a funny old world that we live in nowadays. A world of love, creativity, but also extreme bitterness and hostility. You see everywhere we go, everyone we speak to has an instant ability to critique and be mean from a distance. We see this all the time on social media, whereby some keyboard warrier, who is sitting behind their devices can throw spears of hatred. However, behind these comments there is always a deeper message for the sending as you will hear in today\'s show as a response to the following email received in this week for the show. "Ralph, wow what a show. Or should i say wow what a joke you are. I have listened to one of your episodes and believe me i wont be listening to anymore. It was called Free Time, when you wasted twenty minutes of my life telling me how wonderful yours is as you can take a month off when you want to. Its funny that you felt the need to tell us, as being a podcaster, or should I say someone who wants the world to love them so tells them what they want them to hear it\'s not a job. You can take time off from anything that isn\'t a job. Hey, im an astronaut today, let\'s chill instead. You make me want to vomit. Anyone can do what you do, but we don\'t as we have proper jobs to do, and have to go to work as we don\'t have a choice. We live by the clock without escape. So don\'t try to tell me that I can change my life just by making a few mindset changes, give me a million dollars so I can make those changes instead. That my friend is one thing your show will never ever deliver to any of us. You are full of shit. Your show is shit. And no matter how great your life seems to be, it will also be shit. That is what life is and you can\'t tell me otherwise. So what makes someone think such extreme thoughts? Is it simply they were having a bad day, or something far more deep routed....who knows? However in todays show, David Ralph discusses this email and sends out a positive response to the sender to connect with him directly. Thanks for listening to the episode and any comments drop us a line. Cheers David'