You Can't Be Who You Aren't In Life

Published: July 8, 2019, midnight

b'Today\'s guest joining us on the show is someone who is deeply connected to Join Up Dots. Appearing on Join Up Dots back in November 2014, she literally was hanging onto give birth as we spoke. Bringing a new addition into the family, that she called David or Dotty im sure. Perhaps not. Raised by strong, hard-working, and independent women in a small medieval town of 20,000 in Slovenia (Europe), she loved spending time with my family, outdoors, and dreaming about travelling the world. Basketball would become that ticket for her (she has been "on the road" and immersed in high-performance mindset since 12 years old). Believing that anything is possible if one works hard, is committed, cares deeply, dares to make leaps of faith, and never quits... she went on to create everything she ever wished for. By the age of 30, ticking of all those boxes: How The Dots Joined Up For Sara She first arrived in the United States from Slovenia not with a dream to make it on the corporate ladder, and rise to the top of the business world. Instead she was recruited by an NCAA Division I basketball coach to bring her vast knowledge of basketball to the states, and so she left her home town of only 20,000 and landed in New York Well that for many people would have been scary enough, but just imagine doing the same thing when you can\\u2019t really speak the language of the country you were aiming to flourish in. Well this didn\\u2019t stop her at all, and in one season she\\xa0led her team to one regular season title, first WNIT appearance and a conference championship game. Wow!! And now she has taken that attitude of becoming a champion, and moved into the world of business where\\xa0she helps other business owners realize their business goals and guide them to success as a virtual business manager and business consultant. The Low Points Of The Journey When postpartum depression and two trips to the ER due to burnout and anxiety almost brought her to her knees, it became the greatest gift, the beginning of the next chapter for her. It led her to heal from within, and become relentless about finding a better, more soul-aligned and certainly a much more sustainable way to being. Doing, creating, giving and sharing what she truly loved, what felt exciting, fulfilling and meaningful. So how does she keep everything on an even keel when there are so many people wanting a bit of her time? And can everyone create a business with such time liberation from the start, or do you have to learn from the mistakes to make it work? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Sara Oblack Speicher. Show Highlights During the show we talked about such weighty subjects with\\xa0Sara Oblack Speicher\\xa0such as: Why as you go through your life "you can\'t be who you aren\'t in life" its your destiny to grab with two hands. Why the world is so reluctant to take the simplest of actions in their own lives. They wait for others to make it happen. We discuss the "pre-stories" that other people tell us becoming self-developing in our lives. Time for a rewrite. and lastly............... Why if you keep on chasing the external stuff you end up in a word of burnout and exhaustion= Not good.'