You Are Better Than You Think You Are

Published: Dec. 7, 2018, midnight

b'In today\'s episode of Join Up Dots we talk about a similar problem that so many people have in the world. They think that they are not up to the level that they need to be to start taking control of their own lives. They think that they need to get their heads deeper into the world of podcasts, self development books or gurus. They are living a life with the hand brake on, which is such a problem to everyone. You see, its an issue that has been built up by years of training our minds to believe that we need to be certified by the world to prove our proficiency. We need to be accredited by some outside organization before we can step boldly into the world. This is quite simply rubbish. Yes there is of course some jobs that you need to be accredited to do. For example I wouldn\'t be keen on someone doing brain surgery on me, if they had taught themselves from watching YouTube videos. They is just a bad idea, but more often than not the process of doing is enough to start learning more than the people that you need to teach, sell to or inspire - Your customers. So why do people do this "holding themselves back" stuff? Is it fear, is it not wanting to fail, I dont know? It could quite simply be their upbringing, joining forces with the life they have created for themselves. What I do know is everyone who has become a master of their trade started as a novice. Everyone. Whether it was Paul McCartney, Van Gogh, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs the list would go on forever they all had to start and grow into the person that they wanted to be, So as you will hear in this episode of Join Up Dots, you have nothing to worry about. You can only fail if you fail to start. Be brave, be persistent and work towards your dream, as the dream you want is waiting for you.'