Yoga - Is It A Business Of The Mind Or Body?

Published: Oct. 2, 2019, 12:29 p.m.

b'Kelly Dinardo is today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots business coaching podcast who quite simply has hit that spot when life is business and business is life. When you see her state "I keep expecting to be told to get a real job. In the meantime, I\\u2019ll travel the world with my yoga mat, interview future royalty and experiment with skiing uphill." then you know that she is doing things her own way. As she says "I am the author of several books, including Gilded Lili: Lili St. Cyr and the Striptease Mystique and Living the Sutras: A Guide to Yoga Wisdom beyond the Mat. I am the host of the Living It podcast, which explores yoga concepts by talking to compelling people in the health/wellness and yoga world. And I am the owner of Past Tense yoga studio in Washington, D.C. As a freelance journalist, I specialize in exploration \\u2013 whether it\\u2019s internally through yoga and meditation, physically through health and fitness, culturally and socially through profiles, or the myriad ways travel brings all of that together. I have written for O: The Oprah Magazine, Martha Stewart Living, Health, The New York Times, National Geographic Traveller, Glamour, Redbook, Shape, The Washington Post and others. But the key to this lady comes in one statement. And this statement is key to every success that we see on Join Up Dots "Of course, these enviable adventures show none of the butt-in-chair discipline. That\\u2019s intentional. As a storyteller, I want readers so engaged they don\\u2019t even consider the behind-the-scenes effort." So does her life still seem a life of effort, or has the days of grind been left far behind? And as a freelance, how hard was it to get the ball rolling and get those first few commissions? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Kelly Dinardo Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep weighty subjects with Kelly Dinardo such as: Kelly shares how the first year of her life was the hardest work she has done (and the most of the time it was minimum wage) but still ok. Kelly shares the three stages to cultivating happiness in the present. This is a game changer. We talk about Kelly\'s desire to work hard on the things that interest her, even if they seem not to connect from the outside. and lastly...... Kelly reveals the connection she has with the small child and how its such a powerful way to move into your dream adult life.'