Womens Leadership

Published: May 6, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest on Join Up Dots has been using the power of the spoken word for over three decades For over 30 years, corporate leaders, actors, sales teams, and professionals in all areas of the marketplace have relied on her training to assist them with reaching their goals of speaking more powerfully, selling with finesse, and leading with inspiration. But this isn\'t a lady who has simply come through the corporate route, standing in front of bored directors in the boardrooms of the world. No, this is a veteran performer of film, television and theatre, who has trod the boards, appeared in hit shows, and movies too. But it seems to me that a key moment in her life wasn\'t whilst she was in the spotlight, as such but instead when being hired by a corporation over 25 years ago The hiring guy looked at her resume and said to her \\u201cLeave out the words \\u2018acting techniques.\\u2019 We don\\u2019t act here," To which she replied, \\u201cOh, I beg to differ. You act every day. All business people have a role to play and the key to success lies in their performance.\\u201d And, by \\u201cacting\\u201d I don\\u2019t mean faking, pretending or imitating. I DO mean, delivering a message or script or any communication with authenticity, passion, energy and animation" Wow, that was a ballsy response to someone wanting be hired. So is that a clear indication of what you get from this lady, or was this another example of acting and delivering a message? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Laurie Burton'