Woman Up

Published: June 19, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is lady with many different plates spinning at one time. She is an internet business lawyer whose mission is to show business owners like us how to cover our "assets" online without having to spend a lot of money on legal fees. As the founder of Cover Your Assets Online.Com she has created a Do It yourself Legal Toolkit so that entrepreneurs could protect not only their business assets but their homes, cars and investments Which is all interesting stuff, but what has lead her to this point Well her first career was as a TV news reporter and anchor in Toronto, where she won a couple of CanPro awards as well as a New York Film Festival award for news documentary, which delved into the topic of adoption. When her husband\\u2019s career took them to the U.S, she decided to switch careers and follow her long time dream of going to law school. She applied to the Roger Williams School of Law, which was 20 minutes from her house in Providence, RI. and practised for several years and then decided she wanted to be a coach. So internet laywer, business coach how do these things join up together. Well, i suppose at her heart she is a fixer. She loves to see an issue and bring a solution to the table As she says "I became a coach at the age of six, when I saw my parents fighting for the first time. I remember thinking, \\u2018I can fix this, if they would just listen to me.\\u2019 As an attorney, I always wanted to help people fix their lives so they wouldn\\u2019t need to hire me again. As a TV news reporter, I was always drawn to the personal interest stories. I\\u2019m a big sap, but I\\u2019ve come to believe that I have a duty to get my ass to Happy and have learned how to do that. I was born to help others do the same, to get up off their asses to live lives that are on fire (instead of being burnt out). So where shall we start today, talking about how to get happy, confident, or internet law......well in a normal fashion I think we will tackle all of them! So why is internet law so obviously a hot topic but so few people are offering this service? And is she living the life of her dreams, or with so much going on is she running around screaming "People, I can\'t do it all on my own!?" Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Lin Eleoff Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Lin Eleoff such as: She reveals how she has had to have times of darkness in her life, to allow her to savour the light more than she could ever hope to. Why she always has had the urge to create her own rules, and do things her own way even though she doesn\'t understand why she does it.. How she managed to create her first business, by searching the world of virtual law firms to find what excites her. And then taking huge consistent action. and lastly\\u2026. Why so many people lose their confidence during their life journey, and more often than not its down to them playing by others rules, and not their owns.'