Win Business Coaching

Published: Feb. 17, 2017, midnight

b"Todays show is a coaching based episode whereby David Ralph, the host of Join Up Dots, and founder of Dream Starters Academy Coaching answers listeners questions directly. He will also spend time reflecting on what occurred in his show in 2016, and his plans going forward, This is a no holds bared version of the show, that will cover the following subjects sent in by listeners of Join Up Dots 1. WHAT ARE THE RISKS OF STARTING MY OWN COMPANY? Hi David, wow what a show. I have just listened to twelve episode over the last few days and I feel I have found the inspiration to start my own business. I dont know what it is going to be (sorry as you have said on your other coaching shows you need more information), but i was wondering what the risks are in your view? Keep up the amazing work the world needs more shows like yours!!! - Arnold Mortenson Sweden 2: I AM SCARED TO START DOING MY OWN THING. I have a job that pays well, has all the benefits that I could want but isn't what I want to do. I am currently a lawyer in the south of the states, and as you can imagine its pretty stressful. I would love to have a simple life being a dog walker or something with animals. But I can imagine what would be said if I quit to do this - Calvin, Alabama ( that is not my real name) Any suggestions? 3: PROFESSIONAL AND POLISHED Listening to your show after finding it by accident, it seems so polished and professional. Do you have a broadcasting background - Nate, Perth Australia. 4: BEING YOURSELF You said on a recent episode that you felt that being yourself can hold you back in the short term. What did you mean by this, and why do it? - Art, New York 5: CONFERENCES AND APPEARANCES Are you coming to America at all? I love your accent and personality and would think you would be amazing in my country. Have you considered attending conferences, or perhaps starting your own? - Brenda Miles - Nebraska If you want to get your question answered on the show then simply drop us a line to: Email: Facebook"