Why You Shouldnt Go The Easy Route To Success

Published: July 19, 2019, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s episode is entitled schools out for summer due to the relief that i will be feeling in just a few weeks time. Yes, shortly I will be closing up shop and quite literally touring the world with my family. Screaming \\u201cSchools out for summer\\u201d at every opportunity. But how do you do this when you need to provide content to the world three times a week? How can you really scream schools out for summer if you have work that is required Well in todays show i reveal how i almost made the wrong decision and went with the easy route to success. I almst decided that I would stop podcasting like so many other people do across the world. They podfade and make things easier for themselves, instead of thinking of what got them there in the first place. Enjoy \\u201cSchools out for summer\\u201d and let me know if I have made the right decision. Audio Transcription Of Schools Out For Summer David Ralph [0:00] Yes, I know that Good morning GA Good morning, and welcome to Join Up Dots. Join Up Dots Join Up. Dots. Do you know this isn\\u2019t an episode, which is kind of like an episode within our episode inside it and what you\\u2019re going to hear, you\\u2019re going to hear an episode of recorded recently, when it was all about my stresses my struggles and stuff. And basically what what you what you will hear what you will hear is a show that I recorded that I was going to put out live. And then I slept on it. And I woke up the next morning and I thought to myself, no, that\\u2019s not right. I shouldn\\u2019t put that out to the world. And then the next day, I thought about it. And I thought no, I will put it out to the world. But I will do a little sort of intro that I\\u2019m doing now to sort of lead up to why you\\u2019re getting this episode. And then there\\u2019s a bit at the end which I will explain why. So once the music fades on the episode, you\\u2019ll hear me again, you\\u2019ll hear my sexy tones again. And I will tell you exactly why it has caused me distress. This has caused me distress and you will hear now. So this is the episode enjoy it. And I see you again after the music finishes at the end. Okay, okay. Intro [1:22] When we\\u2019re young, we have an amazing positive outlook about how great life is going to be. But somewhere along the line we forget to dream and end up settling in Join Up Dots features amazing people who refuse to give up and chose to go after their dreams. This is your blueprint for greatness. So here\\u2019s your host live from the back of his garden in the UK, David Ralph. David Ralph [1:47] Yes, good morning, good morning, or afternoon or evening or whatever time it is in your world. Thank you for being here with the Join Up Dots show Yes, the Join Up Dots Meister is coming to you in UA but across the globe. And that\\u2019s what I have been doing for nearly six years. Now. I\\u2019m going to reference something and I\\u2019ve been thinking about this long and hard. And I\\u2019m actually spoken about it a few times in podcast episodes going forward. But since since I\\u2019ve been doing Join Up Dots, we\\u2019ve released over 1500 shows. And we have provided content, inspiration, motivation, interviews, and solo shows. And we have been trying to mix it up to give you what you want. And it\\u2019s always about you listeners always about your listeners. And there\\u2019s not one listener out there. But I do not think about whether you drop me a line or I never hear from you. It\\u2019s all about you right from the very beginning, now overly at this summer period. And I\\u2019ve been having a lot of problems through Join Up Dots. And one of the problems I have is the guests, they baulking to be recorded, and when they don\\u2019t turn up, I\\u2019ve had a serious and if you\\u2019re listening out there and you was a guest but did this men\\u2019s Mac potty time because some of the emails that I\\u2019ve had from people where they\\u2019ve cancelled a booking, and then another time we reschedule and then I cancel that. And they say oh, sorry, I got busy. Sorry, I got this. Pretty much. that annoys me, that annoys me. Because what they\\u2019re saying is their time is busier than my time. Now in Join Up Dots. And this is my business. So I set myself up to be very available. But when these guys are ready to be recorded, and then by just blow out at the last minute, as we say in the United Kingdom, which is unprofessional is unprofessional. If you say you\\u2019re going to do something, you\\u2019re going to do it. Well over the summer, I\\u2019ve been chasing my tail to keep up with the amount of content that I\\u2019m producing. And it may not seem a lot, it may not seem a lot of people. But believe me doing three shows a week as I have been been doing for so many years is a lot. And I used to be maybe a six months ahead of schedule. And then it got to three months ahead of schedule. And then looking back in hindsight, probably what I made a mistake or was going I\\u2019m so far ahead, I take a little bit of a breather, and allowed that that bucket of recorded shows to sort of deplete somehow the reservoir became a little bit less. So over the last six, probably about three months, I\\u2019ve been chasing it every single day thinking I\\u2019ve got to get somebody in to do Tuesdays or Wednesdays or Thursdays now. I\\u2019m coming over to the United States of America. Yes, I am. I\\u2019m going to be wondering the world of Trump plan. So if you are anywhere in the New York area, the New York State and you see somebody and you think he looks very attractive, hang on, he looks attractive. He looks like he\\u2019s English, and he\\u2019s got bags under his eyes. A copy can\\u2019t it probably is it probably is. So if you see anybody who looks vaguely like me through New York State, and come over and say hello, and it\\u2019d be lovely to see you I don\\u2019t expect with one person will will grab me on the street, but you never know. And so it will be me. So I\\u2019ve got a hold of August, I\\u2019m closing down shop on Join Up Dots. And I\\u2019ve had a problem, I\\u2019ve been trying to work out how I can keep the show going for that period. And I don\\u2019t want to let you down because that\\u2019s what I\\u2019m here for. I\\u2019m here to provide the entertainment and the inspiration to get you your juices out to get your juices flowing. So that you can go out and do your own thing. But it\\u2019s got to a point now, but I thought to myself, I need to make a decision. So the whole thing doesn\\u2019t crumble. And I don\\u2019t crumble either. So from next week, I\\u2019m going down to two days a week, Monday and Thursday, you will be getting an episode of Join Up Dots till I get back in September. And then I will see what I can do to bring it up. Now you might say to me now that\\u2019s all right, David. That\\u2019s why we\\u2019ve been worried about you. We\\u2019ve been worried about you. You\\u2019re looking tired, you\\u2019re sounding tired. Your energy levels are where they are. Or you might be going, well paga this, I listen to this on my commute every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And I\\u2019ve been listening to this for the last few years. And now. Now I have a day. But I don\\u2019t have the doctor Mr. Well, I will say in that I do apologise. And I will also say to you, there\\u2019s a lot of content, you haven\\u2019t heard all the content. And it\\u2019s quite an interesting journey, I get quite a lot of people that say, Oh, I listened to the early shows. And they they like to hear the difference in Join Up Dots. Because it was a very different show, I was a very different person. And so they\\u2019ve gone back, and they\\u2019ve been trolling the episodes, and they dropped me line saying, Oh, I listen to Episode 18. And I looked at this person work and stuff. So it is an interesting storey to go back onto. But the reason that this show is twofold. Number one, I just want to say school goes out for every camera everybody has hang out, that\\u2019s the young ones, you gotta you gotta know, the young ones from the 1980s. And if you haven\\u2019t watched the young ones, you\\u2019ve missed out. And the second thing is, the reason I\\u2019ve been doing this as well of dropping down is as you know, back in the day, I had burnt out twice, and I got into a terrible state, where it\\u2019s taken me years to try to get this feeling of overwhelm and stress out of my body. And so I\\u2019m very, very protective of my energy levels. And if I\\u2019m starting to flag or I\\u2019m starting to feel that I\\u2019m not doing the best job because there\\u2019s too much on then I have to make those decisions. And those decisions in this regard is to go down two days a week, okay, Monday and Thursday. So you\\u2019re still going to get your interviews, yes, still going to get you your solo shows, and you can still drop me lines, and I will respond to it. And I love getting questions from people, I don\\u2019t get a lot of them. But when you do, it helps me it really helps me because it gives me content ideas to produce more shows. And if you want more shows, you know I need your help. It is really great. You send me an email, you tell me what you\\u2019re doing, where you are your issues, your problems, and I will give you my advice, like like a business Yoda. I will do Yoda every time for you, to help you on your way so that everybody listens to Join Up Dots and just sort of listens, you actually part of this, you can help me and you can, can keep me producing the episodes by giving me ideas and dropping me emails or connect on messenger or whatever you way if you want to. And it really, really does help me big time. So my burnout was the big issue leading forward, my energy levels have been getting a bit low what with everything else, and I\\u2019ve got to take a break. So I\\u2019m going off to America, as I say, coming over to Trump land, I\\u2019m going to dye my face orange and have really weird hair. And so that nobody talks to me for three or four weeks. And then when I come back, I will get back into Join Up Dots. And we\\u2019ve got so much more that I\\u2019m bringing into it in the background that we\\u2019re working on. So there\\u2019s a lot of sexy time. And sometimes you\\u2019ve got to make a decision in your life personally, to make sure that one doesn\\u2019t sort of overshadow the other and you don\\u2019t bring yourself to the knees. Because if you get to that point, you ain\\u2019t gonna show anyway. So I do apologise for everybody. Hopefully, you can understand that. Anybody who wants to drop me lines and give me questions, and tell me why you listen, it only takes a second to do but you know, it\\u2019s so useful film my email inbox with storeys, about your issues. And then you know, it will make the show more supportive for you. I\\u2019m convinced of it. And I will be back again very shortly. I\\u2019m not sure when this show is going to be going out pro believe on Monday. So I will be back again on Thursday from now on. And then that will run till about sep tember and then I will assess and see what I can do. But until that time, thank you so much for listening to Join Up Dots back was David Ralph. And School\\u2019s out. Yes goes out the summer. See you later. Cheers. Bye, bye. Outro [10:37] David doesn\\u2019t want you to become a faded version of the brilliant self you are wants to become. So he\\u2019s put together an amazing guide for you called the eight pieces of advice that every successful entrepreneur practices, including the two that changed his life, head over to Join Up dots.com to download this amazing guide for free. And we\\u2019ll see you tomorrow on Join Up Dots. David Ralph [11:08] Okay, so it\\u2019s me again, Yes, it\\u2019s me again. So I was thinking of going down to two days a week because as you\\u2019ve heard, I\\u2019ve been struggling guests have been dropping out left, right and centre. And he\\u2019s really, really unprofessional. It really winds me up big time. But hey, that\\u2019s what life is. And you find more and more when you get into the entrepreneurial world. People are unprofessional. And they\\u2019re the ones that aren\\u2019t very good. All the real top guys I\\u2019ve had on my show, they turn up at the right time. They sound great. They\\u2019re all prepared, we record done and dusted. And the ones that are kind of trying to get their business going or they\\u2019re, you know they\\u2019re a few years in, they can be a bit flaky. Now, that\\u2019s not your issue listeners. Now, what I realised after I slept on this is the part of Join Up Dots I keep on trying to get across to you is the fact that when there\\u2019s an obstacle, you can find a way around the obstacle, you can sort things out, you don\\u2019t have to, you know, you don\\u2019t have to stop what you\\u2019re doing. There\\u2019s a way around it. So I slept on it, and I woke up the next morning, I thought to myself, no, I\\u2019m a bloody podcaster I need to podcast. And actually I shouldn\\u2019t be going down two days a week, I should be going seven days a week, I should be doing 30 episodes a day, I should be cranking out the content. Now of course there\\u2019s a tipping point, you don\\u2019t want that much content, and I can\\u2019t possibly do it. But I will be staying at three days a week. Even though I\\u2019ve had my doubts. Even though I\\u2019ve got to crank out a tonne of material, I\\u2019ve got to do something like 30 shows within 10 days, which is a lot that\\u2019s to do a day. Now it doesn\\u2019t sound a lot. But you\\u2019ve got to think of the idea, you got to record it, you\\u2019ve got to edit it, you\\u2019ve got to produce it, you\\u2019ve got to do the show notes, you\\u2019ve got to do the social media, you\\u2019ve got to get guests you\\u2019ve got you know, you\\u2019re not interested, you\\u2019re not interested. But three a day is a big push. But I\\u2019m going to do it, I\\u2019m going to do it and I\\u2019m going to crank it out. And you will get a show three days a week from now on. Until I come back in September. When I come back in September, or refreshed and all or invigorated men, I will get back into it again and still crank out the episodes. So for all of you out there, that\\u2019s why I\\u2019ve done this. That\\u2019s why I put this little episode in with the intro and our show, as I\\u2019ve done to make you realise that if you\\u2019re working towards a business, if you are trying to do something, there will be times when you will doubt yourself and you will think I\\u2019ve got to do something easier. easier, doesn\\u2019t mean it\\u2019s right. And if I\\u2019m a podcaster, I have to podcast, if you are whatever you are, you\\u2019ve got to do that back is your thing. And you can\\u2019t sacrifice but you can\\u2019t stop being what you want to be you have to find a way of making it happen. So I think that is a lesson for me. And hopefully it\\u2019s a lesson for you guys as well. But the opposite court is there to be found a way around and you don\\u2019t have to go the easy road. You don\\u2019t have to sacrifice what you should be doing in your life, to just make it easier for yourself. Find a way through, push through, be inspired, that you\\u2019ve got the ability to do it. And when you have the doubts like I\\u2019ve had, think to yourself know this is going to happen. This is what I want in life. I will make it happen. Until next time, I will see you again. And this time, I\\u2019m going to play the old music again. Cheers. Bye bye.'