When The Dots Join Up Live On A Show

Published: Feb. 3, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

b'When The Dots Join Up Live On A Show Steven Shewach first came on the show back in 2014 on episode 5 of Join Up Dots, and then was someone who used to call himself an RNT, which for us that dont know what that means its \\u201d A Recovering Negative thinker.\\u201d Well actually he considered himself a lot worse than that, as his life was not good, his relationships weren\\u2019t working, and all in all things were not in a good place. He knew that he had to do something about it, and knew that it started with his stinking thinking. Could he rewire his brain to focus in on the positive aspects of his life, therefore changing direction on the path he had been leading for decades, in effect taking responsibility for his own happiness. Well, with a huge \\u201cYes\\u201d, our guest not only did that but started calling himself \\u201cthe Mantor\\u201d as he helped men from across the world to focus in on their negative actions and reprogram the way they operate on a daily basis. And then came the pivot, the big pivot as now his life is unbelievable different, adventurous and it seems happier than ever. He now is semi-nomadic spending about half the year in Europe, as he is married to an amazing Portuguese woman named Dora who shares many of the same ideals as him. The two of them are now professional pet sitters and have pet sat in many countries together whilst focusing my diverse life and professional experience and knowledge developing a coaching practice focused on Longevity and Wellness for Men in Midlife. It looks like his stinking thinking and negative ways are long in the past. So does he find it hard to still relate and feel like the person he was over 10 years ago? And what does he do to keep himself on track as now everything seems to be just the way he wans things to be? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show for the second time to join up more dots the one and only Steven Shewach.'