Whats This Branding All About?

Published: Aug. 30, 2019, midnight

b'Welcome to the Join Up Dots Podcast talking about branding\\xa0 subscribe to the podcast, please use the links below: Click Here to Subscribe via iTunes Click Here to Subscribe via RSS (non-iTunes feed) If you like the show, we would be so grateful if would consider\\xa0leaving the show a review in iTunes\\xa0as well as\\xa0Stitcher Radio.\\xa0\\xa0A couple minutes of your time can help the show immensely! \\xa0Thank YOU! Welcome to today\'s episode of the Join Up Dots podcast which will be answering a few questions from our listeners. We love receiving these from people across the world as hey it makes us realise that people are listening to the show. Let\'s start with Question One that has come from Scotland. In this question we are asked why Join Up Dots has changed slightly over the last few years, and the reasons for it. Also as you will see from the heading of this podcast we touch on what makes branding.\\xa0\\xa0 Question One Hi David and everyone connected with the mercurial Join Up Dots podcast, I am a 22 year old gent, from Carnoustie in Scotland. I love your podcast, as honestly I never know what episode I am going to get into each time. Couple of questions if you could.\\xa0 I started listening a couple of years ago, and your interviews where a lot more cheeky and sarcastic. I loved them massively. The more recent ones, have definitely changed in content style. Was this on purpose as I am interested why the change. Secondly, I hear people talk about branding of a business, and I dont really understand what it is. I think I do, but would like to know your view on this. Keep on delivering as I dont know what I would do to pass the time in my boring boring boring, mind controlling, energy sapping job. Cheers Charlie Question Two Good morning David, where have you been all my life. I listened to a show recently when you said "You don\'t really do anything online in regards to social media" I have always thought that this was a huge part of growing a business. Why dont you do it too? Evelyn Crowel, Oswego, New York Question Three Hi David, I dont know if you will get to read this so i will do the normal and say "Man you are one sexy and handsome individual for sure" I have been working on an online business over the last few years selling blankets and jackets for terriers across the world. It was a passion project for sure, but now its a business I am losing my passion for it. When an order comes in I used to think "Hurrah, my future is assured" and now I am thinking "Just let the dog freeze" not good. Any suggestions to get the passion back Hannah, North Dakota'