What Is The Quickest Way To Start An Online Business?

Published: April 26, 2019, midnight

b"Summary Of Todays Show Welcome to today's show which is based around podcast questions that have been coming into the Join Up Dots headquarters over the last few weeks.We love getting podcast questions from our listeners as it really means that the world is listening to us and engaging. After all Join Up Dots wouldn't be around if it wasn't for the listeners would it?So thank you so much for sending them into the show and today we answer four of the ones that we received this week. We also share the winners of the recent Gargle Game who are now the proud winners of the Podcasters Mastery Starters Course.For anyone who hasn't ever heard about the world famous Gargle Game which has quite simply taken the world by storm then here it is. Live on the show David Ralph, will gargle a tune using his talent and specially selected water which the world then have to guess.Believe me you wont hear this kind of quality anywhere else on earth for sure. But of course this is about answering your podcast questions so lets start (you will have to listen of course for the answer) Listener Podcast Questions: One What do you think is the fastest way that I can get an online business up and running? I have been listening to your show for about six months now, and there seems to be a long term approach to everything you discuss. In your view (and I know what you are going to say LOL) is there a quicker way to have an online business.Thanks so for the energy you put into the show Kit Michell, US \\xa0 Listener Podcast Questions: Two Hi David, brilliant podcast. Love the gargling game too (even if i was a bit unsure at the beginning of what you were doing). Your show is very very different from any others that I have listened to. Do you think your enthusiasm and fun loses as many listeners as it keeps. The reason for asking is I am thinking of doing a video based show and of course want to grow an audience by doing things the right way. Lots of love Jenny Baxter, Sunderland, UK Listener Podcast Questions: Three David, if you could go back in time and start again would you do things any differently? Has the experience you gained made you realise any different ways? Mark Shaw, Toronto previously from Gillingham, Kent. Listener Podcast Questions: Four Dear David and the Join UP Dots team. I hear you talking a lot about personal branding. Why is this so important as I don't really understand why?\\xa0 Citza Jerkinzy, RomaniaWant To Ask Your Own Question?As we said we love answering podcast questions from our listeners, so if you have something bothering you then simply click here We will then answer the question live on a forthcoming episode of Join Up Dots Thanks for listening and lets make that dream happen."