Wellness Coaching

Published: March 19, 2018, midnight

b'Wellness Coaching Starts From Within As Ed Pike Shares In Todays Episode My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man with an amazing story of finding his thing, starting from a point that would have seemed the end just a decade or so before. Starting his professional journey after leaving the University of Bath, with a degree in International Management and Spanish, he first steps seem almost usual. He gained his qualification and then started working for a huge organisation, in this case The Hilton, where he worked on their online presence, increasing sales by over 100% Then, it seems to me the first dot appeared and he started focusing in on other peoples development, this time in the health industry as a Personal Trainer for LA Fitness. Did this spark the fires of his later entrepreneurial ventures, who knows. but one thing for sure the mind and body vibe started to become more and more evident. Leading to him in 2013 starting his own Life & Health Mentor Programme, run from his home base in Crete, and performed over skype and in person across the world. As he says "I\\u2019ve experienced loneliness, pain and destructiveness - in fact I still do at times. I\'m far from perfect:\\xa0I\\u2019ve tried to deny my negativity, shame, fear and anger, but have learnt that true strength and power lie in deep vulnerability.\\xa0 After my diagnosis with HIV in 2009, I even felt life closing in on me. But, through all of the pain, I stayed true to my inner voice. And so I pulled through, faced my demons and aligned with the authentic and creative spirit within - and rediscovered the magical adventure that is life! And that is what he brings to the world, the ability to understand that its the dark times, that make the light seem brighter than ever. Its the hardships that give us the coping skills to build a future better than we could ever hope for? So when he was diagnosed with HIV, did he think it was a life sentence that he had been given, or just something else to add to his story? And where do people go wrong, living in the past, the future, or simply not truly living at all? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Ed Pike Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Ed Pike such as: Ed shares how feelings are such a powerful way of directing your future to where it was born to be. Be quiet and get directed by whats inside of you. How we all have a calling to adventure, and why sometimes we need a jolt from the blue to really make us take notice. Ed shares how he landed his first clients, and the work he took to get his business off the ground, through word of mouth referrals. and lastly\\u2026. Why the barter system of the exchange of services is such an amazing way to begin a business. Its not always about the money.'