We Can't Control Our Future, But We Can Control How We Feel

Published: July 22, 2020, 8:29 a.m.

b'In today\'s episode of Join Up Dots we look at a problem that faces so many people in life and in business. This ability, or i guess the lack of ability, to control our future like we hope for. All our successes and future dream lives that we hope with our hearts that we will get, can often bring us to our knees. You see, and as you will hear on the show we cant really do anything about the future, as it doesn\'t exist. Our future lives may be what we hope they will be, or perhaps they wont, but really we cant do anything about making them happen. You will say of course "David, that\'s rubbish. We can work on making things happen in our lives by taking big sexy action" And I will say "Yes of course you can, and you should. That is exactly what life is about. Being in the present and taking action in the present" That, however doesn\'t mean that the future you want will ever actually become real. All these desires and action that we take will ultimately lead us somewhere, but perhaps it wont be where we thought it would be. So relax into the day, enjoy what life is giving you in the moment, and see where it all heads. That is where our future lives can really be controlled.'