Virtual Staff

Published: Feb. 22, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is an only twenty seven years old, but he seems to have packed in several decades of work and hustle in such a short period of time. He has been an entrepreneur in the eCommerce industry since 2009 and has grown into a leading expert in the field with experience managing multi-million dollar businesses. But of course we are most interested in what he is doing today. What is getting him excited everyday when he jumps out of bed? Well he is the Founder and CEO of FreeeUp a company that he started 2015 after spending 7+ years interviewing, hiring, and training remote workers. He decided that there must be a better way for eCommerce companies to hire remote workers without having to spend hours interviewing and finding the most reliable people. A year later and FreeeUp is a rapidly growing company interviewing hundreds of worker applicants each week and providing remote workers for hundreds of clients. He has found a gap in the market place and filled it with his experience and passion allowing it to flourish. And with his extensive knowledge in creating business systems and processes, personnel management, hiring remote workers, the Amazon Marketplace, and advanced sales tactics this is going to get bigger and bigger. But does he see this as his legacy work, or simply something that is moving him closer and closer towards his goals? And what does he enjoy the most in his work\\u2026.the creation, or the customer satisfaction? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Nathan Hirsch Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Nathan Hirsch such as: How Nathan has developed the abilities to bounce back from every failure that has hit him, ensuring that he has learnt from those hard-times before moving forward. The story of the trip to Myrtle Beach, where he suffered a huge client loss and identity fraud all within a few hours\\u2026tipping his world on its axis. Why you should always look to start hiring as soon as you can in your business, to allow yourself free time to do the stuff that you are best at. and lastly\\u2026. Why he has set up his company to have three levels of staff, to boost the quality of the work, and to maintain greater control on standards and systems..very wise decision indeed.'