
Published: Sept. 18, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who you just cannot find a photo of her not beaming from ear to ear. And it\'s not a surprise as quite simply to me, it looks like she is having the time of her life. And unusually for most guests who have come on the show, it appears a pretty straight line to where she is today, but of course that probably isn\'t the case. Back in the day as a young girl, she would run around with a camera and create silly YouTube videos. After family and friends told her that she should pursue a career in video, she went to the Seattle Art Institute to get her degree in Filmmaking.\\xa0 Which she did, and then set off working for several video companies before starting her own rocking and rolling at Serious Take Productions. And cleverly she didn\'t just use her skills in video to make her success rapid, but the power of connections. Working with the top entrepreneurs across the world to highlight her skills, and of course gain insights into what makes a successful online business. As she says "We\\u2019re a team of storytellers, cinematographers, editors, and connectors creating impactful videos that evoke emotions.\\xa0We help established business owners build powerhouse brands\\xa0through storytelling and compelling videos that attract customers now. We storyboard, shoot, direct, edit and are committed to excellence." And believe me, I started doing the research on today\'s guest and then ended up watching over two hours of her powerful and insightful videos so she certainly does just what she has set out to do. Inspire. Educate. And love everyday of her life. So does she love everyday of her life, or is there much of her business that she could take or leave but knows its part of the game? And where do people go wrong with their own video creations? Making it all about them instead of the viewer? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Tamara Thompson. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Tamara Thompson such as: Why Tamara has such a high degree of gratitude everyday for the things that she has managed to achieve in her life. Tamara recalls seeing her mothers entrepreneurial ventures as a nine year old, and being shown the true value of the dollar, a lesson she has never forgot. Why it is so important to develop flex time in her life for being with loved ones. A business can seem important, but nowhere near what is waiting to be with you at home. and lastly\\u2026. How she now thinks "Man if I had started years before, I could now be on Netflix"....there is never a better time to start something than today.'