Video Creators

Published: Feb. 26, 2018, midnight

b'Video Is Such A Power Way To Convert Viewers Into Customers - We Discuss How To Become One The Worlds Best Video Creators My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a man who is fascinated with video and the power of adding this to your marketing strategies As he says "There\\u2019s a ton of noise on the internet. Love it or hate it, the worst thing you can do is never be a part of it. I don\\u2019t know about you, but I love cartoons. I\\u2019ve always been an animation nerd. When I started RK we never knew online video would get SO big - but it\\u2019s exceeded even our expectations. I help businesses connect with their prospects and grow conversions with the help of strategic animation video marketing so that the prospects convert into raving fans and buy from you even if they haven\'t heard of you before. A magnetic video hits all the pain points of our target audience while visually engaging them, which helps our clients\\xa0increase their conversions beyond 20% (industry average). They do this they implement Behavioural Lead Journey, which means they create and place animation videos along the entire marketing funnels. Converting cold prospects into raving fans while solidifying the bond with existing customers. But of course this is just part of his journey as before he took the lead and started creating his own future, our guest worked for Daimler, the car manufacturer in their finance division. So how did he go from working for Daimler o creating his own business that is rocking and rolling? And where did he find the problems waiting for him, as he grew his empire. On every corner, or simply never appearing? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start Joining Up Dots with the one and only Rohan Kale. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Rohan Kale such as: Rohan shares how people make mistakes time and time again in their video marketing, and how easy it is to ensure that these never happen.\\xa0 We discuss a brilliant way of starting a business, by hiring a freelancer to teach us the knowledge that we need, whilst bringing in clients quickly Rohan openly reveals how he used to hate the wasted time that he experienced in his cooperate life as an employee. Something that most of us can relate to. and lastly\\u2026. Why Rohan has changed his branding from a business to personal one and the difference it has made to his business.'