Video Animation For Beginners (BUSINESS)

Published: Jan. 14, 2019, midnight

b"Today's guest on the Join Up Dots podcast is truly a pioneer in content marketing, having developed a video creation software platform long before video was king online. He is the co-founder and Chief Video Officer of Animoto, an award-winning online video maker that makes it easy for anyone to create professional-quality marketing videos, even if they have no technical skills and have never created a video before. With the mission of empowering everyone to create powerful videos regardless of age or experience, he founded Animoto with his high school and Dartmouth College friends back in 2006. Animoto\\u2019s certified partnerships with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and the Small Business Administration give it unique insight into the changing social media and business landscape -- which may be why more than 1-million businesses around the world are already using Animoto to create marketing videos. Prior to founding Animoto, he was a producer for MTV Networks and Comedy Central. So why is video so powerful for any business today? And what is the key mistakes that he sees people making time and time again? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Jason Hsiao Show Highlights During the show we touched on such subjects with Jason such as: Most people have the shortest attention on video, so don't save the best for last, but get the good stuff out as quickly as possible. Why you have to nail your business's core values and strengthen as you get going. Without it you will be going around and around in circles. If you could be the best in the world at one thing then what would it be? Become a category of one and your money will grow exponentially. And lastly........... How the words of the late Steve Jobs might just be the worst business advice that he has ever heard (or actually the best for that matter)"