Understanding Your Biz Customers

Published: Feb. 19, 2021, midnight

b'Brian Gregory is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview. He is the Founder and CEO of ADMANITY.com and creator of the breakthrough algorithm behind The ADMANITY Protocol. ADMANITY\\xae is the first company to create an online test and predictive emotional algorithm to determine the best emotional advertising strategy for any business - in any niche. The 5-minute, simple ADMANITY\\xae Test isolates one of 15 emotional archetypes best suited for the business. The ADMANITY\\xae Protocol is the only algorithm that can identify a company\\u2019s emotional archetype and then identify the advertising strategies, tactics, formulas - even copywriting tactics. It gives agency-level recommendations that the brand can use for years to come. How The Dots Joined Up For Brian As they say "ADMANITY\'s mission is to support and grow small businesses by helping them better understand how and why advertising works for their particular brand. The knowledge they will gain from our product will result in the business gaining greater success. Most business owners, managers, and even those responsible for communication outreach do not understand advertising other than on a basic level. They are simply too busy to learn it, go to school, or become experts. Most fail miserably at creating messaging and advertising. Only the largest or more successful companies or those with the financial ability to invest can afford professional agency help. The other 98% simply do without proper guidance or the knowledge to implement their outreach effort, and they struggle. This equates to a market of approximately 30 million small businesses in the U.S." Brian is a former 20-year owner/publisher of large, citywide magazines in the Phoenix market as well as an expert in direct selling. In addition to creating ADMANITY\\u2019s algorithm for The ADMANITY\\xae Protocol and its testing platform, he has written over 2,000 pages of ADMANITY\\xae curriculum and training materials as well as being the author of the book Sheep Don\\u2019t Eat Complicated Grass! Brian is considered an expert on the topic of emotional marketing and advertising tactics and is a skilled, entertaining public speaker. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Brian Gregory. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Brian Gregory such as: Why Brian loves the statements that prove all branding is showing the true strength of storytelling. Why Brian finds the minutia of what we think our brand is to be truly fascinating and more often wrong. and lastly\\u2026. Brian shares the principles of sales and explains why everything works faster when you bring emotional aspects into things.'