
Published: Oct. 21, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing Zachary Babcock Zachary Babcock is todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is a man who is an entrepreneur, business coaching and ex-prisoner who has turned his life around spectacularly. As the founder of Underdog Empowerment, he teaches underdog entrepreneurs to launch, grow, and monetize top shelf passive income businesses and personal brands. But it hasn\'t been easy and as he says "I had to learn the hard way as I began building my business. It was time to get to work when I got out of prison on October 2nd, 2014. It definitely wasn\\u2019t easy. I got into entrepreneurship because I didn\\u2019t have many options, plus I liked the idea of betting on myself. How The Dots Joined For Zachary However, it was a struggle, and I barely got by. I did network marketing for 2 years, made almost $2k a month within my first 6 months, but that just wasn\\u2019t my thing. My business crumbled and I left after 2 years. At the very beginning of 2017, I became a \\u2018life coach\\u2019. I didn\\u2019t make a single penny or help anybody as a life coach because my messaging was a hot mess. And like everyone just starting out, I sucked. Every time I tried to collaborate with anyone, nobody took me seriously. I was just some ex-convict turned entrepreneur afterthought that nobody gave the time of day to. \\u201cWho is Zachary Babcock?\\u201d But nowadays things are looking very much different as his profile and business continues to grow month on month. So what has made this platform so successful, when the web is full of similar ideas that never got off the ground? And is this is lifetime legacy or just a stepping stone to what is in his heart and mind? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Zachary Babcock Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep weighty subjects with Zachary Babcock such as: Zachary shares how he struggled so much with creating a marketing strategy due to the confusion of his personal branding. Once he got clear on who he is, the business exploded. Why it is so important to really believe in your product and the value that you are able to provide. If you don\'t then you will never see that value come back to you. Zach shares how he is developing multiple incomes through his business, whilst never losing track of his key focus/ and lastly...... We discuss why so many people who come out of prison aren\'t actually ready to change their lives. In fact they need help to actually want the change to occur in the first place.'