Two Main Reasons Business Fail

Published: Oct. 12, 2018, midnight

b'On today\\u2019s episode of Join Up Dots as normal for a Friday show, David Ralph answers a couple of questions from listeners across the world, and even brings back the words greatest competition \\u2013 The Gargle Game. Lets start however with a rating and review on Itunes which then lead me to connect with the chap to say thank you, and gain some advice of my own. This is from an English guy called Steven Harper, who is a musician, teacher and opera singer in the UK. \\u201cThanks David for all the work that you have put into the podcast. I really appreciate it, it has been a kick up the bum that was needed to get me out of a complacent slump. My job is teaching singing and piano and i never considered that my students would be taking my work one day and for less money. Now I am trying to become Steven Harper music teacher and and not just an anonymous teacher. I have listened to all 1000 plus podcast and looking forward to the next 100.\\u201d Now what Steven is doing there is talking 100% about gaining a personal brand. He is building celebrity into his work, so people see him as more than the normal and subsequently will seek him out to gain tuition and be accepting of higher prices. This takes a focused approach in regards to putting more of himself out into the world, through visuals, youtube channels, podcasts and live videos of his students transformations. People don\\u2019t want to play the piano, they actually want to see people who are playing sexy tunes and becoming like them. That is the real transformation that makes a business fly, as the world wants the outcomes as quickly as possible. Now the second question came from a listener in Belgium, by the name of Henry Madsen, who asked \\u201cDavid, I have heard you say on previous shows that 95% of businesses fail within the first five years. What do you think is the reason for this? And any suggestions as to what you would advise myself in trying to start my own business\\u2026..kind regards Henry Madsen\\u201d The answer to this is quite simple as you will hear on today\\u2019s show. A business fails due to not selling another of their products, and this comes down to two main reasons. Either they aren\\u2019t getting the traffic, or even worse they build a product that nobody wants it. Enjoy and I hope to hear from everyone who loves this episode and has ideas of starting their own business.'