Turning The Law Industry On Its Head

Published: Aug. 24, 2022, midnight

b'Turning The Law Industry On Its Head Babs Neilan is today\\u2019s guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview. She is the founder, CEO and solicitor of Jamieson Law. Jamieson Law is a small (but very mighty) UK and Irish law firm specialising in business law and brand protection. They are unique as from the start of my business we\\u2019ve done things differently, let me tell you why. As she says \\u201cI\\u2019m Babs, founder, CEO and solicitor of Jamieson Law. Jamieson Law is my small (but very mighty) UK and Irish law firm specialising in business law and brand protection. We\\u2019re unique, from the start of my business we\\u2019ve done things differently, let me tell you why. I started my legal career journey just like many others do. I did my postgraduate, I trained with a top law firm in Scotland, I was ready to climb the legal ladder up to partner level over the years. When I qualified I thought \\u201cYES! It\\u2019s my time to shine, to finally help loads of business owners grow their businesses\\u201d\\u2026oh boy, did I realise how wrong I was.'