Turning T-Shirts Into A Multi Million Business

Published: Nov. 14, 2022, midnight

b'Introducing Michael Nemeroff from RushOrderTees RushOrderTees founder Michael Nemeroff is todays guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is the CEO and co-founder of the technology-driven eCommerce custom apparel company. Founded in 2002 when Michael was only 17 with his brother and sister, RushOrderTees specializes in industry-leading turnaround times for everyone from teams to small businesses to Fortune 500 companies for a bit of merch, as the kids say. If you want a branded hoodie, t-shirt, bag, whatever, then zip over to his company, design it yourself easily, and bang its on its way to you asap Now this wasn\'t an easy success, as with all start-ups there is the big push to get it to where you want it to be, and this was no different with todays guest As he says "We were bringing in about $30K a month in revenue after three very hard, long, exhausting years of working 7 days a week.\\xa0 The three of us were doing the selling, marketing, printing, designing, purchasing, shipping, cleaning, accounting and everything else all on our own. It had taken us a lot of energy and sacrifice to get there and we did our best to squeeze out every bit of profit \\u2014 only to find at the end of every year we either lost money or were flat on the year. That kind of effort was unsustainable and there was no future in continuing to stay in this business without results. How The Dots Joined Up For RushOrderTees We were all exhausted. I was 20 at the time, and decided I was ready to move on. But my brother forced me to keep working on it. I promised him I\\u2019d stay for a few more months, and that\\u2019s when we doubled down on our marketing efforts. Within a month, we went from bringing in $30K per month to $200K per month in revenue.\\xa0\\xa0Game changer. All the sudden, we were a million-dollar company. The growth was extremely challenging, but there was finally light at the end of the tunnel. The next phase wasn\\u2019t any easier to be honest, but it had a future and I\\u2019m really happy we stuck with it. Now over the past 18 years, the company has focused o he customer experience by streamlining the entire process with its innovative design studio, incredible service and the quickest delivers in the industry. They help people express themselves, feel united and connect more deeply to their communities and causes. So what were the steps that changed things, instead of simply ploughing on everyday? And where does he see most people making the mistakes that stop their own success from ever occurring? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to join up dots with the one and only Michael Nemeroff Show Highlights During todays show we discussed such weighty subjects with Michael Nemeroff: Michael shares the story of how his parents dealt with their early business struggles, and the impact it had on him.\\xa0 Why so many business owners find it hard to break free from the routines they have built around themselves when growing the business. Michael talks openly about finding the niche within the business, that was the most stretching for them, but also the most valuable. and lastly....... We discuss the moment when he and his brother came to blows, and why it was perhaps the best thing to happen.'