Turner Barr: A Man Who Is Going Around The World In 80 Jobs..Now He Can Add Podcast Guest To The List Too!

Published: June 27, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest can only be described as the new Jules Vern, or for younger listeners Michael Palin, as he is the creator of the site Around the world in 80 jobs whereby he crosses the globe,working in various positions of employment and of course sharing with us his successes, failures and crazy stories of a life on the road. Back in 2007,after graduating from UC Berkeley our guest set out on the open road for a year of adventure. \\xa0With no clear plan. No fixed direction. And nothing more than a vague feeling of doing something memorable it was a path very different from where he is now. \\xa0And looking back from where he is now, it seems almost unbelievable that he didn\\u2019t immediately start blogging, creating content, or attempting to montize his wanderings across the globe. \\xa0But that is the beauty of a show like Join Up Dots, as many times a persons true path in life only becomes visible to them when hitting a crossroads. \\xa0 And in this case it was an economic crossroads that made him decide on what he wanted to do in life. \\xa0 The economy had tanked in 2008, and the prospect of getting straight back into employment when returning to the US suddenly seemed a distant dream. \\xa0 And was it a dream that our guest was\\u2026..well dreaming about anyway? \\xa0 Lets find out as we add another job on the list as podcast guest (although Im not going to pay him\\u2026just keep that to ourselves) the amazing, Mr Turner Barr.'