Trevor Blake: From Poverty To A Luxury Lifestyle In Three Simple Steps

Published: June 1, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Our guest today is the author of Three Simple Steps, a masterclass publication that can show the majority of people how to escape their present situation, and reclaim their future. And the author certainly knows a thing or two about reclaiming his future.He openly admits he was not afforded the most luxurious of upbringings, in fact being born into a life of poverty.But he always had an inherent knack for seeing an opportunity to make money, and therefore change his situation.Whether it was selling sweets to his classmates on the schoolbus, or developing multi-million pound businesses on a shoestring, his fingers crossed many areas of business with apparent ease.His successes have been frequent, and financially lucrative leading him to a life that many would say was a dream existence.But he is so much more than a wealthy businessman enjoying a life of hard earned luxuries.His belief that life should not be a struggle and is one that should be enjoyed, has been one that unfortunately he has been unable to deliver to countless people he has encountered over the years.People who are trapped, unable to realize the dreams that they hold in their hearts.So with an audience waiting to hear how they too can achieve a future they deserve, I would like to introduce to the show, the one and only Trevor Blake.'