Travel Business

Published: March 28, 2018, midnight

b'Wanna Have A Travel Business That You Can Take With You Everywhere? My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with the founder of Dream Life Deluxe. She\'s on a mission to help entrepreneurs create lives of freedom and embrace travel as she goes around the world on her second tour. Now we hear the Digital nomad title more and more nowadays, where people create a totally transportable business and live a life of adventure and value everyday. Well todays guest has moved over fifty times in the last year and in the process has created a six figure business while doing it. She\'s been featured in Thrive Global, As Told by Nomads, Transform via Travel, 12 minute convos\\xa0and more. Now how did this all start? When did she realise that it was time to pack a suitcase, ensure she had enough clean knickers for more than two weeks travel and set out to see the world? Well it could be described that she had a\\xa0Eat, Pray, Love moment (which being a man means nothing to me, but I\'m sure will do to the listeners across the world). when she ended her relationship, put in her resignation at work, and booked a $300 ticket to Africa with no plan and nothing more than a desire for travel. You see as she says "For ten years I was spending long hours as a media planner working for someone else\\u2019s dream. I earned good money, but I didn\\u2019t have any time to enjoy it. My desk was filled with brochures on\\xa0how to work overseas and travel,and I secretly looked at them whenever I could find a break at work. I wanted to leave my job and travel the world,\\xa0but when everyone tells you your dreams are\\xa0\\u201cimpossible\\u201d or \\u201cunreasonable\\u201d or \\u201cstupid,\\u201d\\xa0you start to believe them. Then one day a coworker\\xa0quit to travel to Nicaragua for 6 months! And I thought,\\xa0\\u201cHang on, that\\u2019s MY dream! I\\u2019ve been thinking about this for 10 years. How can others simply DO this??\\u201d After lots of sleepless nights, she decided to quit her day job in Germany and create an unconventional life for herself. Living off her savings at first, she traveled around and worked in animal refuges and shelters and landed in Sydney where she worked for the Sydney zoo for a year, during which time she started her business and met her partner, who now travels with her! So was it just that one conversation that kicked started her activity, or actually it didn\'t matter what happened it was just time and she knew it? And how do others do the same? Is it harder than she expected or simply like a walk in the park? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Susi Kaeufer. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Susi Kaeufer\\xa0such as: Why Susi feels the need to move every two weeks, even though she had stayed in one spot for a decade. Susi recalls how she listened to the words of others who didn\'t believe it was possible and bought into this "wrong advice" before seeing a different way. Why it is so powerful to build a business around what your clients are telling you that they want from you, not simply guessing. and lastly\\u2026. How she learnt to relax and allow the content to flow from her, instead of sitting at her pc and thinking "I must write valuable content,...what is valuable content"???'