Travel Blogging

Published: June 11, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who isn\\u2019t just a guest, but I would like to say he is now a friend. A long distant friend, who is presently living a life that so many of my listeners crave, but feel its unattainable. So let\\u2019s show you all in this episode that is most certainly not unattainable, and with the right mindset, money strategy and vision you can all be doing the very same. Today\\u2019s guest along with his wife Lucy is travelling the world, blogging, podcasting, and working on monetization channels into their fledgling business Life Design Diaries. As he says \\u201cWhilst disrupting the work and travel norms, my wife Lucy and I have created a series of adventures. We are travelling the world whilst building a portfolio of enterprises and we\\u2019re documenting the whole experience on our Podcast, LIFE DESIGN DIARIES.\\u201d Life Design is the practice of thinking and actively pursuing the lifestyle you want. Life is short, we all know that, so why compromise? We\\u2019re married, entrepreneurs, and travelling the world\\u2026 all at the same time. There was a moment in our lives when we decided to take action rather than imagine. A decision that has lead to more freedom and fulfilment than we ever would have achieved in our 9-5\\u2019s. Yes they have had struggles, but they have faced them head on and now share this massive lesson with the world. They want us all to realise how much control we have in our lives, and to inspire us all to design and pursue the life you want. So when he was store manager in Sainsburys just a few years ago, did he wander the aisles looking at exotic vegetables thinking \\u201cOne day I will be picking you from where you grow my friend\\u201d? And what was the first stage they had to prepare for\\u2026the leap and trust the process, or working on the nest egg of savings to ease the way to where they are today? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Ross Menghini. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Ross Menghini such as: Why Ross is so clear that his and his wife are documenting the climb and not the view from the type Why it is so important to not try to be someone else when you start, even if you look unprofessional. An unprofessional you is better than a professional someone your not. Ross recalls how his childhood was surrounded by an entrepreneurial spirit from his father, so it was with a surprise that it took him years to start his own path. and lastly\\u2026. Ross shares his feelings of travelling the world with your partner 24/7 and how to gain the need for space in your life.'