The Three Month Vacation

Published: July 22, 2015, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview, is a man who has learnt throughout his life that simplicity is the key. Breaking information down to be transferred from one person to another in the shortest possible route, is the way to success and fulfilment for both parties. He knows how to make customers rabid fans of his work, by removing the questions that stop a sale. Being born in Mumbai, India (formerly known as Bombay), he lived there for about 30 years, until deciding that he didn\'t have enough sheep in his life. Who doesn\'t get to that point I ask you? So he found his spiritual home by moving to New Zealand with its 4 million people and 44 million sheep. Could there be a better place to develop his business and raise the baa?? And that business started 15+ years ago, fresh out of college with a degree in accounting (of all things) he joined an advertising agency called Leo Burnett. Which had a life changing effect on the young man. Times were not good in the advertising world, and even though work was hard to come by\\xa0 the now deceased Leo Burnetts integrity shone through. He learnt that there is a right way and wrong way to business, and took that with him, as then moving unusually from copywriting to cartoons. The opportunity of working with one of the best advertising agencies in the world took him on the heady road of copywriting, writing TV commercials (learning how to do them in 5 seconds), graphic design, cartoons and web design. Which once again, the underlying synchronicity was the constant search to find ways to communicate in the simplest, most effective manner. Write text that is absorbed easily. And build conversations never forgotten. And now with multiple online platforms teaching this ideal, he is loving life and perhaps getting to spend quality time with a sheep or two as well So how did he take this ideal, and expand it into an income producing machine? And does he see that the thing that stops so many people\\xa0 out there, is there desire for perfection against one of simplicity? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs with the one and only Mr Sean D\'Souza To hear more from Sean D\'Souza go to: Podcast:\\xa0The Three Month Vacation Podcast: Online Small Business|Marketing Strategy Plan| Sean D\'Souza | Psychotactics\\xa0By Sean D\'Souza Description:\\xa0Sean D\'Souza made two vows when he started up Psychotactics back in 2002. The first was that he\'d always get paid in advance and the second was that work wouldn\'t control his life. He decided to take three months off every year. But how do you take three months off, without affecting your business and profits? Do you buy into the myth of "outsourcing everything and working just a few hours a week?" Not really. Instead, you structure your business in a way that enables you to work hard and then take three months off every single year. And Sean walks his talk. Since 2004, he\'s taken three months off every year (except in 2005, when there was a medical emergency). This podcast isn\'t about the easy life. It\'s not some magic trick about working less. Instead with this podcast you learn how to really enjoy your work, enjoy your vacation time and yes, get paid in advance.'