The Six Areas Of Business Growth

Published: Dec. 16, 2020, 1:29 p.m.

b'Siddharth Rajsekar is today\'s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. He has a fascinating story that has taken him across the world and back to where he is now. On a mission to create 1,000,000 digital leaders. He is the founder of The Freedom Business Model For the last seven years, Sidz has been running a digital agency that has represented clients like Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins and many more. He currently nurtures one of India\\u2019s largest tribe of coaches and experts who are building their own digital ecosystems too. But like most of the stories in Join Up Dots, where the guest has ended up is often nowhere near where they started. How The Dots Joined Up For Sidz The same is true with today\'s guest, and as he says "I was an outstanding student in school. Always standing outside class.\\xa0 I was truly passionate about music and cricket and played right thru my schooling years. I could never remember a time I would sit in one place. I could not sit in boring classrooms. And that\\u2019s why I ended up dropping out of college. I flunked my 12th grade. Scored just 28% in mathematics." However this didn\'t stop him,\\xa0 so he started to re-educate himself, he pawned his wife\\u2019s gold jewellery and started to invest in many internet marketing courses. He spent around $10,000 on courses and by the end of that year, he was able to set up my small little digital agency along with his cousin and business partner. Which is where we should start today\'s episode of Join Up Dots. So where do people get hung up in starting their business? Investing in themselves or simply coming up with the right idea. And with the world in turmoil at the moment, is this the right time to start a business or hold off? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Siddharth Rajsekar Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Siddharth Rajsekar such as: Be fixed on the goal, but not how you are going to get there. Be flexible with your approach and enjoy the journey. Be very clear on what you want to be known, mission statement, community around it, elevator pitch Why you should always look for the best mentorship you can on the way to greatness. and lastly........ There are six areas of need that a business can be created: Business Growth, Career Growth, Health & Wellness, Make Money, Relationships, Arts and Crafts.\\xa0 Passion, Problem (The passion has to be able to solve a problem that someone will pay for), the Persona, Potential in the market, people need to pay you for it.'