The School Of Greatness Leads From The Cancer Ward With Jonathan Vankeulen

Published: July 3, 2015, 12:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Mr Jonathan Van Keulen, a man who is driven to make a difference to the world. A difference to all the people, and familles that during their lives get touched by the illness cancer. Leading up to 2014, our guest was leading a very different life to the one that he leads today. Working for Wells Fargo as a private banker, his day was very much like most men in the world. Wake up with the alarm clock, shave, put on a shirt and tie, kiss the family goodbye and go to work. But what do you do when suddenly that routine is taken away from you? What do you do\\xa0 when you end up wishing with all your heart, that you can just kiss your family again and again, as you might be losing the chance to do it for much longer. Well Jonathan Van Keulen faced that prospect head on, as in 2014 he was diagnosed with a rare and serious form of cancer that is seen mostly in children. He was told that he had Osteosarcoma, and begain with the support and love of his family to fight against it, by undertaking the necessary treatment needed. But this is where, we get to on the Join Up Dots ideal time and time again. When our guests are at the lowest point in their lives, the thing that they should be doing with their lives so often appear. And whilst laying on the hospital bed, making a list of ways that he could make himself more comfortable during his extended stay, he thought "If these things would make me comfortable then what about all the other cancer victims?" He had so many ideas about things he could do to make his stay more comfortable, along with his lovely wife he started a non profit, Cancer Can\'t, with the mission to attempt to give these same comforts to as many people as we can. So does he look back at his pre diagnosis life as one that needed a shake up to make him become truly alive? And although terrible, and arduous, has the treatment and the cancer been a good thing that he is now glad that he went through? Well let\\u2019s find out, as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs in todays Free podcast, with the one and only Jonathan Van Keulen'