The Reasons I Am An Idiot

Published: Sept. 14, 2018, midnight

b'In todays episode of Join Up Dots we answer a few listeners questions, posed on email from across the world. We love receiving these so much, as it really shows that our words are having an effect and the world is starting to think in a different way. You see everyone has doubts, everyone has moments when they think that they can\'t get past that obstacle. Everyone runs into a closed door that they think is the killer of all there dreams, but it rarely is. So today\'s questions are part of the mindset shift more or less and we will start with one from Martin the lawyer. Hi David, Must say love the show and listen to a different one daily. Great insight and inspiration for a person like myself who is working hard on my online business with the goal of quitting my lawyer job (I am 27). I have a quick question for you. I do dropshipping with a good deal of success. I care not to call myself an expert on the topic but do have a few years experience doing this and running facebook ads etc to generate revenue. Having been involved in the internet marketing spectrum for a few years now I understand the importance of the personal brand and acquiring an audience to teach other people with the intention of utilising that audience to sell related products. I plan myself to start my\\xa0YouTube\\xa0channel. Do you think this is feasible considering I am not an expert per se? Nevertheless I do have useful content and techniques that I can pass on and teach those. And of course I want to get started on this to grow and learn on creating such content to create an that may indeed branch out to other related areas I have expertise on like mindset, daily habits etc. Do you have any related podcasts on\\xa0Youtube\\xa0specifically? Keen to know your thoughts on same. Many thanks, Martin Followed on by a question from the lovely Adrea, Stuttgart, Cameron McCarthy and Benjamin Louder. Hi David, I recently had the personal honour of speaking to you one to one, and found you to be insightful, deeply focused and very very very different from the person you are on the wonderful and inspiring Join Up Dots. So my question is, as I wasn\'t brave enough to ask you at the time, is why if you are focused on being authentic are you so different? And also, if you have time, I often hear you say "If an idiot like me can do this"....why?\\xa0 Why do you say that you are an idiot as you are brilliant in many many ways? Thank you for you time, and the personal connection Adrea, Stuttgart. Dear David and the Join Up Dots Team, do you ever have doubts that what you are doing is any good? I start loads of projects with a huge amount of emtheisuams, and then I start thinking its not very good, or people will laugh so stop. I was wondering do you have those thoughts and how do you get past them? All the best and thank you for the best show in the world Cameron McCarthy, St Johns Canada. Hi David, love, love, love the show. I heard an episode recently when you said you were looking to work one month on and one month off. How have you managed to do this, as I would imagine that Join Up Dots is a highly busy enterprise? Thanks for your time Benjamin Louder, South Africa. If you have any questions then feel free to jump over to the Contact Page and send your own for later answering on the show.'