The Dark Side Of Entrepreneurship

Published: April 15, 2022, midnight

b"The Dark Side Of Entrepreneurship In today's episode we discuss the dark side of entrepreneurship.The bits that you rarely hear people talking about on a business based podcast.You see so many people will tell you what they want you to see and hear as they get their business going.They will tell you that everything is going amazingly well and business is booming.However in this episode you will hear that certainly in the first three years everything is very different.The dark side of entrepreneurship leaves many on their knees, crying at the escalating debts.Struggling with the self investment and technical difficulties that they didn't see coming.They waste so much money thinking that it will help them moving forward.Though it has a totally different result to what they wanted.So how can you get past the dark side of entrepreneurship and walk boldly into the light?Well you can start by listening to todays podcast episode where we share the challenges that you will go through.Enjoy!Today's\\xa0Guest Summary Today's guest joining us on the show is a man who connected with us about three years ago.At that time he had just taken the corporate leap and started his own motivational coaching business.Taking a lot of inspiration from Americas Tony Robins, Kul Mahay has taken the best and put his own spin onto proceedings.So many people in life, feel that what they do, is what they will do for the rest of their lives.They go into jobs that might inspire at the beginning, but over time, little by little start to become a drag.Every minute feels like an hour, everyday feels like a month.But they put up with it until its time for retirement, when they are free to mow the lawn, walk the dog, and have nice little naps in the afternoon.Well today\\u2019s guest as we heard the first time on Join Up Dots, is a former senior Derby police officer.Who since 1985 when he joined the force \\u201csaw the darkest side of humanity\\u201d as he says, while dealing with horrific murders and acts of violence.He retired at the rank of Superintendent on New Year\\u2019s Eve and, just the following day, picked up his first client after taking courses on hypnotherapy and life-coaching skills.So let's start finding out what has happened in the last three years?Has it been plane sailing, or dark nights of the soul like the majority of our guests?Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Kul MahayThe Dark Side Of Entrepreneurship Show HighlightsWe discuss the difficulty of starting a business especially in regards to motivating others when the doubts start creeping in.Why modelling yourself after the best is a great way to start your business if you are devoid of ideas.Kul remembers the period of time when his business slowed down and the clients dried up...could this have been a sign to do things differently.Why knowing other peoples values match with your own is such an important part of making the right decisions.How everyone will have the struggles when starting a business. Dont believe that everything is rosy in the garden. It's not."