The Art Of Adventure

Published: Sept. 26, 2018, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots entrepreneur podcast interview is a man who has been floating around my world it seems from the birth of Join Up Dots. So why he has never been on the show before I dont know, but I do know that it is going to be a good interview for sure. As he says \\u201cI\\u2019m committed to helping people make their lives the most amazing adventure possible! After getting fired from numerous jobs, dropping out of my PhD program, recovering from failed marriage, I realized I had been living someone else\\u2019s dream. I set out to construct a career and lifestyle that would let me be the explorer and teacher that I was always meant to be. I asked \\u201cWhat does it look like to be the hero of your own life?\\u201d So in 2014, I started \\u201cThe Art of Adventure Podcast\\u201d, and it has become one of the top podcasts in the world for Location Independent Business, Adventure Travel, and cutting edge topics. I\\u2019m thrilled to be offering coaching for location independent entrepreneurs! I work with people who want to get out of their cubicles and create a life of time, financial, and location freedom. My clients are adventurous, inspiring, creative, motivated, confident, and unique people who are ready to make a big impact on their world Well he is certainly making a big impact on the world for sure, and when passion comes together with a vision then things get very sexy down. So when he was in his dark times, looking for a new way of making a living that was fun and inspiring did he imagine that he would end up here? And its ok to have the vision but when did the mindset shift to one of fun and money? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Derek Loudermilk Show Highlights During the entrepreneur podcast show we had deep hitting conversations with Derek Loudermilk around subjects such as: Derek shares those moments when his life becomes so playful that his work increased in quality exponentially. Why the most obvious thing in life is more often not the thing that you should be doing the most. Derek shares how customers are more likely to purchase from him if they personally get to know him. A good message for us all. And lastly Derek reveals the steps that he is going to take to get Bono and Richard Branson into a room to solve food issues across the world.'