The $985M eBay Acquisitions With The Boss

Published: July 8, 2020, 3:25 p.m.

b'Introducing Greg Shepard Greg Shepard is today\'s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is the CEO and founder of BOSS Capital Partners. He is a Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker and Angel Venture Capital Investor with a legacy of building and running sustainable growth businesses. Driven by a transformational leadership style, Greg has spearheaded multiple company exits in the BioTech, TransitTech, AdTech and MarTech space. Two of his former companies were acquired by eBay Enterprise Marketing Solutions in January 2016 as a part of a cross-brand deal totalling largely over $900M. The transaction comprised the purchase and sale of numerous companies, two of which were Greg\\u2019s. He has won: Tech Deal of the Year Over $250 million, Private Equity Deal of the Year Over $500 million to $1 billion and Cross Border Deal of the Year Over $500 million to $1 billion to name a few. Most recently, he has been authoring a book titled: \\u2018Meet the BOSS - The Agile Playbook for Startups\\u2019 slated to publish soon. Alongside the book will be a TEDx talk. How The Dots Joined Up For Greg But this isn\'t a story of a man who started with everything and just added a few awards and successes on the way. Today\'s guest had to overcome many obstacles as he clawed his way to the top Greg\\u2019s success story of overcoming obstacles is what drives him to support entrepreneurs around the world. From growing up with very little along with foster and adopted siblings, to a visional processing disorder and dyslexia, Greg continues to be one of the most recognizable examples of how fearless optimism and steadfast determination can guide any intelligent and determined young professional toward success. So what does he have that so many people dont have who are struggling towards paying the bills and supporting their families. And where is he heading in the future as he creates more and more dots? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Greg Shepard Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Greg such as: How his family first decided to travel across to America to start a new life\\xa0 Greg shared the realisation that life was about overcoming obstacles and he could be more than what people Why setting a north pole direction when you start setting out to achieve a goal is such an amazing way to build success. And lastly.......... Why Greg lives and reaches the following beliefs that make all the difference "focus, drive, enthusiasm, discipline, optimism" How To Connect With Greg Shepard Website Linkedin Facebook Twitter Return To The Top Of\\xa0 Greg Shepard If you enjoyed this episode of Greg Shepard why not listen to some of our favourite podcast episodes such as\\xa0Spike Ball Founder,\\xa0Nick Ruiz,\\xa0 Dane Maxwell or the amazing\\xa0Mybodytutor Or if you prefer just pop over to our\\xa0podcast archive\\xa0for thousands of amazing episodes to choose from.'