Ten Years To A Dream (Mindset)

Published: April 1, 2019, midnight

b'Ousmane Ndoye is today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview.He is a man with a truly amazing and fascinating tale, of hardship and persecution.All surrounded by a burning desire to create the best life he could hope for.Raised in a small fishing village in Senegal, West Africa, as a child he endured abuse and profound humiliation.He also endured the breakup of his parents at the tender age of twoThis is of course is not what any child hopes for.The Hardships Of Early Life For Ousmane NdoyeHe found it particularly hard to accept, as he looked around at his friends who all seemed to have the family life that he would have wanted.Then later at age five he was taken to live in a compound of\\xa0more than 100 people, living in extreme close proximity to each other. It was here where he quickly learned to defend himself, and to develop the inner power that he needed to flourish in this unstable environment.Many people fought for survival on a daily basis, he grew strength.It was a hard, brutal start to his life, but one that he wouldn\'t allow\\xa0to determine his future.Ousmane Ndoye knew that he wanted a life in America.When The Dots Started Joining Up For Ousmane NdoyeSo at the age of 21, with just a few belongs and a gallon of water, he left Senegal, and amazingly managed to walk across the Sahara desert by foot.Travelling between Algeria and Libya in six arduous days.He had his dream and he wouldn\'t give up on it.Well he did it, and even now many years after setting foot on the continent he is pushing himself to greater and greater achievements.He is the author of "No Excuses, how to pursue a better life and lift others for a better world", and his "Mile High Momentum" training platform.He is about as far away from his beginning as it possible.But what was it about the American dream that filled him with such hope from his life in Africa?And when he started that walk across the desert did he truly believe that he would be where he is today?Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Mr Ousmane NdoyeShow HighlightsDuring the show we discussed such weighty topics with Ousmane such as:Why he makes sure that everyday when he stares in the mirror he asks the same question "What is possible for me today"How as a five year old lost confused and battered by life, he would not stop asking the critical questions that could lead him to a better place in his life.Why his Great Grandmother was the light in his life that kept his own internal flame burning brighter.The power moment that Ousamane Ndoye asked for 1% chance. He knew that he would get the other 99% percent for himself by pure work and effort.And lastly.........It didn\'t matter if he had to swim the Atlantic, or walk the Sahara he would do it to achieve his dream...the life that he deserves!'