Technology Or Bust

Published: March 12, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a\\xa0business development consultant and public speaker. She has over a decade of international experience in educating youth about\\xa0global business competences and management. Fluent in 5 languages: English, German, Russian, Italian and Serbian, she has\\xa0been awarded for distinguished achievements by age 24 from three\\xa0governments: The Ministry of Youth and Sport of The Republic of Serbia; The\\xa0German Agency for Academic Exchange (DAAD) and German Parliament; The\\xa0Cambridge University International Trust and PEXIM Foundation. But what does this mean I hear you cry? Well our guest today\\xa0helps companies and Millennials, by writing and consulting about\\xa0disruptive innovation, Virtual and Augmented Reality, SAAS sales, city branding,\\xa0tech startups, peak performance coaching, and content marketing. Still in the dark, with big words and the like? Well, in a nutshell she is a teacher, inspiration, and through over 1,000 hours of training and presentations is firing a flame into the ambitions of the world. Allowing them to see a technological future that can help them change the world and their own. So with all this going on, what does she enjoy most about her days? And with the ever changing technological world seeming to speed up more and more, how does she keep up with the trends enough to be ahead of the trends? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only\\xa0Milena Milicevic Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Milena Milicevic\\xa0such as: Why Milena shifted the priorities of her work into two fields only, and how this has made such a big difference. Why finding a stakeholder who can make decisions is such an important part of getting momentum into a company. How happiness is always within us, even at our lowest points. Its up to us to pull it out and support ourselves with that gift. and lastly\\u2026. Why Milena has gained huge business lessons from tango classes, and how she has brought this into our lives.'