Tech Startup

Published: Nov. 13, 2017, midnight

b'Do tech startup rock your world, and the thought of creating your own really excite you? Well my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is\\xa0the founder of Acuity Scheduling, the slickest way for businesses to automate and manage their appointments online, allowing clients to schedule themselves. Acuity Scheduling supports over 50,000 businesses of all sizes, from people working for themselves to major corporations with thousands of employees. Their Customer Support is unmatched in this industry as they focus on easy & pain-free scheduling with one on one support as they help their client\\u2019s businesses grow and thrive. He is a self-professed tech geek and espresso maniac (a word he does not use lightly) who wholeheartedly believes that business should be fun, and that shines out on everything that I have seen from todays guest From his Linkedin profile that simply states "I enjoy every day by working on the things I love." To the way that he hires ""Instead of asking for a\\xa0resume, we actually ask for a love letter. What they say in the love letter, and how they phrase it and show off their personality, is the single most important way that we screen for fit within the company. But how did he take this fun loving approach and build something so needed by business across the world? Well it all started close to home, when he watched the struggles his mom was having running her business As he says "My mom is a massage therapist. She was self-employed for the longest time. I ended up seeing her going back and forth with clients, reminding them, getting calls that, \\u201cGertrude just got her kidney stones removed, so I won\\u2019t be able to come in,\\u201d and all these little stories. There were things that weren\\u2019t really her job. She was spending so much time on the phone beforehand and after hand and scheduling appointments that I thought that there had to be a better way. That\\u2019s where Acuity was born." Find people pain points. Solve that problem and BOOM you have a business on your hands. Which makes it seem a lot more simpler than it really is, but is still just about right. So when did he realise that his fledgling product was not just going to be something his Mom used, and start to want to market it in the right way? And what was the tipping point that allowed it to take hold and stand on its own two feet in the business world? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Gavin Zuchlinski Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Gavin Zuchlinski such as: Why Gavin spends more time on the customer service than he should do, but enjoys it and finds out much more about how he can improve his service because of these conversation at the ground level. We discuss how a tech startup needs to always have a time of quiet growth, to allow for the feedback, development and customer service to join forces in a timely way. Gavin shared a fascinating story of the time that he wanted to actually kill Acuity Scheduling, and the reasons behind that decision. Why focus is so hard when creating a new start up product, especially for any new tech startup. Ignore the new shiny objects, get your head down, and work on your vision.\\xa0 and lastly\\u2026. Gavin shares why he doesnt have a Facebook account, and the reasons he feels that the world is starting to turn against Mr Zuckerbergs platform.'