Take It Easy

Published: Nov. 17, 2017, 7:17 a.m.

b"Life shouldn't be hard, should it? We have so many experiences waiting for us. We have so many places that we can visit. We can have so many laughs, jokes, and generally fun times that swe should be walking around with a huge smile everyday! But do you see many people walking around with a huge smile? Not very often I would have thought, because people are so wrapped up in the effort of everything. Last night I had a problem. I couldn't see what i should record for today's episode of Join Up Dots. All week I had thought long and hard about the subject, but inspiration hadn't hit at all. \\u201cOhhhh what can I do??\\u201d...my mind stressed \\u201cMy listeners need an episode of the show, and I have podcasting block\\u201d So what I did was nothing, and instead just went to bed and slept on the problem, until I woke up and BOOM and idea was there waiting for me. You see, i made life easy for myself. And so why do we do this? Why do we think that everything is effort and hustle? I suppose it goes back to wanting to look like we are hardworking and industrious, instead of lazy so and so\\u2019s! I suppose it is also linked to wanting other people to be impressed by the work we are doing, even if it's not the type of work we want to do. We want to shine, and by floating through life doing the minimum and having a good time how can we possibly shine? And that my listeners is the problem\\u2026...we aren't allowing ourselves to shine because we are not doing what we can do best...we are doing what we find hardest. Total madness in every way. So how do we overcome this? How do we change the habits of a lifetime and start creating a future for ourselves that is super fun, and well easy. Well...one of the best ways is to ask our friends and colleagues what they think we do best. What they think we excel at every time they see us...and you will be surprised at what they say. \\u201cWe love the way that you can make us feel good\\u201d \\u201cWe love the way that you are so organised\\u201d We love the way that you are able to pack a suitcase like nobody else we know\\u201d What??? \\u201cThose little things\\u201d, you will cry \\u201cThat's just what I do\\u201d Exactly...it's just what you do, but what other people can't do and that this where you should be heading in life. Look for the super talents that are so unbelievably easy for you and make that your focus and see how your life changes. Life will never be hard again!"