Success Stories

Published: Sept. 12, 2016, midnight

b'Sometimes success is found in the most unusual places, and our guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who is waking up every morning with a \\u201cYay\\u201d as it seems that he is living a life that is ticking so many of his own personal boxes. And why is that you maybe asking? Well today\\u2019s guest has been on a roller-coaster ride as an entrepreneur which has seen him hits the heights, crash and burn, and then fight his way back to where he is today. Where he wants to be...a startup expert, and the host of the Business Revolution With Stephen Christopher podcast. Starting his business career firmly in the corporate America camp, by working for Merrill Lynch, where he was responsible for Coco-Colas 401k and pension plans for a couple of years, he was like the majority of young man. He was going to work, putting on the suit, and earning the cash for that weekends relaxation and enjoyment. However, with several quick career moves, you could see that the early years was simply stepping stones to taking the entrepreneurial leap of faith. It was inevitable that he would stop putting all his faith in building someone else dream and start building one himself, and that occurred when he became the Founder of Real Estate Investors Network. He was up and running and success was sweet and all his own. But it was running this mortgage company that ultimately changed the course of his entrepreneurial journey. With the crash of the mortgage industry in 2008, our guest learned what it\\u2019s like to go from profitable to over $100,000 in debt\\u2026literally overnight. This failure taught him more wisdom about business than any school or program could ever teach him and since then, he has evolved into a devoted student of personal and business development. But not in the \\u201cI am a business coach, lets spend an hour a week on skype with you\\u201d\\ he had much bigger plans than that. He wants to help peoples businesses flourish in the world of Google Land where all the eyes, and fingers flick across everyday. As he says \\u201cThe Internet has become incredibly complex and competitive. It\\u2019s tough for businesses to stay visible\\u2026to stay ranked high in the search engines. Which is why I have created Seequs to ensure your business is heard\\u2013and seen\\u2013above the racket.\\u201d And now with a flourishing marketing company, his Business Revolution coaching, Podcast, and public speaking he is getting out there where it matters. He is changing peoples lives, and of course changing his own life in the process. So how did this guy who was terrified to say two words in front of an audience find the courage to put his head above the parapet to lead the way for others? And when he looks back at his early start, did he need to work for others to find the angle to start working for himself? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Stephen Christopher. Jobs, Freedom, Business, Lifestyle, Success, Best, Career, Top, Podcast, Startup, Steve, How, To, Content, Dream To listen to more of Stephen Christopher go to: Podcast: Business Revolution With Stephen Christopher \\xa0 Description:\\xa0Business Revolution Podcast is here. Our motto is simple: start a revolution in your life, take massive action towards your goals and create everlasting change in your life and business. Get your weekly dose of revolutionary insight from Entrepreneur, Web Marketing Expert, and Business Coach Stephen Christopher. Let the revolution begin!'