Success Is So Sweet. Thanks So Much For Making Me Hot

Published: Feb. 2, 2016, 7:34 p.m.

b'Today was one of those days that when you are working towards something make you sit up and notice. Yes this morning I looked at our rankings on Itunes in the UK and saw that we had made a clean sweep across the board. In the "What Hot" section we were at number one in Business, Education, Health and Careers which is remarkable. And was the first time I had ever achieved something like that. So without you guys this could never have occurred, as its only thousands of ears listening every day that can make this happen. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who listens to the show. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who tells their friends about the show. And of course a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who leaves a rating an review of the show at iTunes. Thanks so much and I will see you again tomorrow...... Ps Please make sure that you go over and support the amazing work of listener and soon to be appearing as a guest Mr Dan Trilk'