Storytelling For Sales Success

Published: Nov. 12, 2018, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots entrepreneur podcast interview is a man who has been floating around my world it seems from the birth of Join Up Dots. Having been an entrepreneur for 30 years, to say I\\u2019ve seen a few things is an understatement. I\\u2019ve definitely had more fails than successes, but I wouldn\\u2019t have it any other way. I sold my fitness business which I owned for 9 years a year ago to start teaching other entrepreneurs how to use story to sell. It\'s storytelling that is the real power of growing an online business. Then I realized that most small business owners don\\u2019t follow up with their leads, so I started teaching them how to create follow up system so they could have a conversation to share their story and make more sales. Then of course I realized that some of those small business owners wanted to speak but didn\\u2019t know how to be more dramatic with their stories. With my degree in theatre I am able to help my clients create a performance out of their presentations so it\\u2019s not the same boring presentation audiences are unfortunately used to seeing. I believe all business owners deserve the right to be successful by doing the work necessary to achieve that success, which starts with being able to sell effectively. And\\xa0storytelling is the best way to do it. As he says "There likely isn\\u2019t a business issue that I haven\\u2019t seen or experienced. I\\u2019ve seen it. I\\u2019ve been through it and I\\u2019ve come out on the other end all the better for it. But it hasn\\u2019t always been that way. Like most start-ups and small business owners, I struggled to make ends meet. On a personal note, he is also a private pilot and enjoys flying around the great state of Texas. Why? Because I can! So why does he want to do this entrepreneurial stuff as certainly more often than not its easier to work for someone else? And looking back through the dots, are there things that he would change or do they all lead him to where he is today? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Tom Jackobs Show Highlights During the entrepreneur podcast show we had deep hitting storytelling conversations with\\xa0Tom Jackobs around subjects such as: Why the easiest part of creating business success is always right under your nose, even though it takes you awhile to actually see it. Tom shares the reasons why you should never start a presentation or joke by advising "This is soooo funny, you will love this!" Why he pushes himself to get out of his comfort zone at every opportunity, as he sees this to be where true growth starts. And lastly We discuss why the online and offline world really have to work hand in hand for a business to be truly successful.'