Stephanie Keenan Tells Us All Stop Chasing Skinny With Online Fitness Advice

Published: May 27, 2016, midnight

b"Today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots Steve Jobs inspired podcast is a lady who has made very happy. As this is the second time I have had the pleasure of grilling her on the show, as she last , where we talked about her rise to the top of the fitness industry from a starting point that was more than a bit unusual. Yep, that\\u2019s all i\\u2019m saying, so you will have to go back and listen to that one to find out her unusual past occupations. So when she connected with me again and said \\u201cDavid, have I got more dots to share with you and your listeners\\u201d then I knew it was going to be good stuff. And it as this is a lady that is tackling one of the hardest fitness courses the world has scene \\u201c\\u201d created by And the big question to this desire to get down, muddy and sweaty is why? She is a beautiful lady, has a great business that is rocking and rolling, has clients across the world, and could stay in her comfort zone quite happily. But she doesn\\u2019t want to. She wants to prove herself and go after bigger and bigger challenges, which really joins up the dots to our first interview. As this is not your usual uber glamorous fitness guru. But this is a lady will drive, commitment and passion to do the unusual. To create her own path, And to go to bed each night content to know that she has given it her very best. So what was the appeal of going onto the hit TV show \\u201cSpartan Ultimate Challenge\\u201d? And did she discover things about herself that were a complete surprise, or only cement what she already knew? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Stephanie Keenan. \\xa0 To listen to more from Stephanie Keenan and the Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast go to: Podcast: Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast SKFitlife Description:\\xa0NBC's SPARTAN RACE TV Series Season 1 Contestant... Founder of the SKFitLife Challenge and, Stephanie Keenan is a wellness expert and fitness coach. Do you want to learn how to LOOK as fit as you FEEL? Have you thought to yourself, yeah, I DO want to reach my fitness goals in a more concise way! Listen each week to learn how to bring it all together. We know you have more important things to do with your time than slog away on the treadmill or elliptical chasing skinny."