Startup Success Powered By Consulting Gold With Tim Templeton

Published: July 4, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who quite simply spins so many plates, he better have juggling skills attached to his linked profile. He is\\xa0a veteran executive, entrepreneur, consultant, international best-selling author, speaker, life-long learner, and a man who can help any business find exponential growth in their bottom line. And he does this by teaching the under used methods that most companies and individuals have in their grasp, but fail to use in the way they should. He is a referral expert and believes that all business can grow more efficiently by using the social proof that referrals from previous customers will give them? Take the promotional statement and comments, and use these to attract even more business who are attracted by honest appraisals from\\xa0folk who have been there before. Now it wasn\\u2019t an obvious expertise to gain, as starting his career back in the 80\\u2019s, he has moved through a series of positions developing teams, motivating individuals, and working with companies, all the while polishing his skills until he can with complete confidence claim to be a thought leader, and career builder. And upon reaching this point he has been since been able to specialise, becoming known as the go to referral expert, allowing him to author such game-changing books as The Recognised Authority\\xa0(2016), Always Positive in Your Business and\\xa0his\\xa0big success the international best-seller, The Referral of a lifetime, which is being re-released in over 12 different languages! So why is that so many people are frightened of asking previous customers for a statement or two to promote their excellent service? And does he see this changing, with the ever increasing advancements in social media? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Tim Templeton'