Startup Stories

Published: Oct. 24, 2016, midnight

b'To our gustes today, Joel Capperella, startup success takes many different factors, and he\\xa0is an expert at bringing those factors together like magic. Lets start with one fact.... he\\xa0is a man who can beat me hands down in one key area of his life. He is the father of eight children! Yes, eight\\u2026even more than I have wrapped up in my fatherly grip. But what makes this guy even more remarkable is when he makes decision, he goes for it big-time, such as quitting his\\xa0corporate job to finally chase his dream of entrepreneurship as soon as his twins were born. \\xa0 Yes, at that time when most people would just get their heads down and think \\u201cI can\\u2019t take a risk like this now\\u201d he was throwing it all up into the air and flexing the old hustle muscle. However as he says \\u201cOut of the gate it didn\\u2019t really work out very well, and the entire first year was more or less a wash.\\xa0 I pivoted early in \\u201916 and am still at it, gaining traction and more revenue daily.\\xa0 Is it risky?\\xa0 Hell yes.\\xa0 Could I wake up on the other side of this and look at my self in the mirror as if arising from a bad dream asking myself \\u201cMy God, What have I done\\u201d, perhaps.\\xa0 But those risks pale in comparison to looking back on my professional life and holding the regret of never trying. \\xa0 What I have found since being on my own is that you never really truly know what it is going to be like until you are in it, and that the most difficult things you\\u2019ll face are hidden in the details of the fact that you are solely responsible for your own success or failure. \\u201c But he is getting there, and\\xa0now spends his time helping people in business tell a bigger story that gets them more awareness and speeds up their sales process.\\xa0 He builds up the confidence to talk to more people. . . get more business, and find ways for his clients to sell more products and services without hard sell techniques. \\xa0 So why did he take such a bold risk when he kids were born, and was this one that he would go back in time and change? And is there a key element to building success that he can see so clearly now, but was 100% hidden to him at the start? Well lets find out as we bring onto the to start joining up dots with the one and only,\\xa0Joel Capperella Jobs, Freedom, Business, Lifestyle, Success, Best, Career,Top, Podcast, Startup, Steve, How, To, Content, Dream To find our more about Joel Capperella then go to Podcast Leading Matters with Joel Capperella Description Host Joel Capperella offers up conversations with business & marketing leadership across the US. The nuance and complexity of creating and executing strategy across the entire company.'