Startup News Report: How One Entrepreneur Is Changing Asia's Health Forever

Published: Nov. 6, 2015, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on he Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who has the answers to many of the problems that afflict us in the working world. The aches and pains that we just put down to our jobs and our lifestyles. The creaks and groans we make when we roll out of bed each morning, seem to be something that this lady has well\\u2026.I guess put firmly to bed. But this wasn\\u2019t always the case and like most of us she put up with chronic shoulder pain for over ten years, as she sat in front of the pc and bashed away for hour upon hour. Now she believes that we all have a right to movement, and by focusing in on the way we move everyday we will put ourselves in a far better position to achieve, good health, good wealth and a pretty great life everyday. She is lives in Singapore, and is the owner, investor and director of several businesses in the fitness industry, the author of Born to Move: 5 Steps to Achieve Mobility Fitness & Say Goodbye to Aches and Pains and now the owner of the Bodytree Asia\\u2019s first ever Adult Gymnastic Strength Building Studio. As she says \\u201cSuccess can\\u2019t be sweet when your body is tired and in pain\\u201d. So does she now look back at those ten years in pain, and think \\u201cWhat was I doing? Why did I let it go on for so long?\\u201d And is the world getting in a worse shape than ever before, or does she see a realisation that \\u201cYep, we need to start moving people\\u201d? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only inspiration, Lay Yong Ooi'