Starting A Virtual Team And Other Questions

Published: March 15, 2019, midnight

b'In today\\u2019s show we answer some big questions that we have received through the show from listeners everywhere. Most of them are focused on the beginning stages to creating a life that is wonderful and profitable, which is of course everything that we do through Join Up Dots. It\\u2019s not a surprise that most people get in to trouble at this point of the life changing process as there are simply too many choices to be made. Too many directions to travel down. We know that as we have been there big time and now have the experience and knowledge that makes the difference. So let\\u2019s share that experience with you in today\\u2019s episodes. here are the questions and of course the answers will be presented throughout the show. Question One: David, loving the episodes, they always start my day with a smile. I have a question that has been bothering me after listening to your show. Why cant others allow me to be happy? I have started working on building my own yoga business and at the moment I haven\\u2019t got any clients, or know how to get them. But I love doing it. I feel that I am creating something amazing, and the clients will just come. So, and now I have added another question: Do you think they will just come? And, my boyfriend is nothing but uncooperative as I\\u2019m not heading out to bars and clubs like I once was with him, or at least as much as I did. He thinks that this is more important than what I am doing which is making me unhappy. Any ideas? Geraldine Copin, Bali Question Two: Hi David, what do you think is the most important part of business? Steve Fletcher, Truro Cornwall Question Three: Hi David, I am a 30 year old dude from Laramie Wyoming and I just need to find a way to get out and live life on my own terms. I love the message of your show and get really excited during the intro music, as I feel I am that person and now I am changing to want more. Where do you think you would go in the world if you was starting out your business today and could travel anywhere. I am excited by the possibilities but coming from where I do, the world is just too big\\u2026\\u2026Scott Question Four Hi David and the Join Up Dots team. I am thinking of getting my own virtual team together and was wondering how you guys set up and operate. Thanks for answering Jancie Mincin, Adelaide, Australia'