Starting A Million Dollar Business On $300

Published: June 5, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing Mario Nawfal Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots business coaching podcast interview is Mr Mario Nawfal He is an entrepreneur who enjoys the challenge of building businesses that scale globally. It was just a few years ago, back in 2012 when he started his first e-commerce business. After going door to door selling blenders he came up with the end of doing the same online - was born. With just $300 in the bank, he was up and running, and by building into this process unconventional marketing techniques, efficient logistical systems and a team of global contractors That company became a smash hit. He propelled Froothie to $1m in year one and over $10m in year 2, all bootstrapped. \\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For\\xa0Froothie After replicating the same model with a wide variety of products, he then established , an accelerator which identifies businesses that have a high-potential for growth. They partner with quality manufacturers in the niche and leverage their global marketing and customer support teams to sell the products around the world. But this is just a glimpse at the business\'s bursting forth of our guest today. So where does he come up the ideas, as this seems a stumbling block for so many people online today. And does he ever worry that he is taking on too much and he could lose focus? Well lets find out as we bring on to the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Mario Nawfal \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Mario Nawfal such as: Why he is such a fan of " book, and loves the pebbles analogy. Why being an expert really helps, but you only have to be able to be one ahead to truly inspire and coach someone else.. Why Mario now feels that it is so important to have a Plan B to ensure a safety net, something he wasn\'t big on at the beginning. Why there is no such thing as an overnight success no matter how many people seem to state that they are.'