Start Your Day The Right Way

Published: Sept. 6, 2021, midnight

b'Every single day someone tells us how to change a morning ritual to be successful, productive, calm and happy. Fast search on the internet gives the thousands of articles designed for the entrepreneurs, parents, writers or even bodybuilders. Yet, do you really know why formation of the morning routine is the best place to start improving your life? Let me explain it more thoroughly than 99% of the available articles do. (BTW, how often does someone offer you an invitation to the club of 1% of the most insightful people in the world? Read the rest of this article and amaze your friends with your wisdom \\U0001f609 The three main reasons why morning ritual is the best place to start changing your life are: \\xb7 The significance and importance of starting the day right \\xb7 The nature of the willpower\\u2019s circadian rhythm \\xb7 Human\\u2019s natural predispositions to ritualize the morning activities'