
Published: Feb. 7, 2018, midnight

b'Sports Winners Do The Unusual, And Todays Guest Is Fascinated By Sports And What Makes People Great My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is the author of "Where Others Wont" which looks at the recruitment, leadership, culture and performance strategies used in pro sports and how they are relevant to big business. Now this isn\'t a book based purely on theory, instead our guest has been doing the rounds and spent the last year interviewing people like Denver Broncos GM Ted Sundquist, Southampton president (and former Oilers coach) Ralph Krueger, 2 x World Series winner Ryan Theriot and Utah Jazz coach Igor Kokoskov (among others) to validate some of the ideas he had. Would they agree with his theories or say, probably in an American voice "Get the hell out of here kid!"\\xa0 Well I guess we will find out during the show. But what I like most about todays guest is, getting himself into a position where he is involved in the disection of sports leadership across the world was never a given. Leaving University with degrees in business and Human Resources, he first entered the world of recruitment in Melbourne Australia, before moving to Canada to enter another world altogether. And through the next decade he worked in seemingly unconnected businesses, that held dots, never to join up to where he is today. We know though that is never the case. And now as the managing Partner for\\xa0NTSQ Sports Group, he is surrounded by a team specializing in experience creation and marketing in the endurance sports industry. So did he plan to get himself into the position where he is today, or does he look around with a smile and think "Wow, how did this happen?" And what is the biggest learning he has from the crossover from sports to business? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Cody Royle\\xa0 Books By Cody Royle \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Cody Royle such as: Cody shares how there was no plan towards the future he created, he simply looked at what doors that were opening in front of him and decided which one he wanted to go through. Cody discusses how the top teams across the world are always looking for new ways of gaining a competitive advantage, and more often than not that means looking in areas not connected with sport.\\xa0 Why all business success is based around building a team which complements your own strengths. It is so important to realise that you cant do it on your own. and lastly\\u2026. How he now realises that strengths and talents he had as a young man, were exactly the right ones he needed to be able to step into his future positively. Dont think you have to keep on leaving everything behind you. Take the gold and leave the stuff you dont need.'